CD++: a tool to develop binary Cell-DEVS models (in Spanish).

Amir Barylko, Jorge Beyoglonian, Gabriel A. Wainer
Proceedings of the XXIV Latin-American Conference on Informatics. , Quito, Ecuador - 1998
Category: Tools
2nd Category: Cellular Modeling Techniques
Booktitle: Proceedings of the XXIV Latin-American Conference on Informatics.
Year : 1998
Address : Quito, Ecuador

BibTex references

  author       = "Barylko, Amir and Beyoglonian, Jorge and Wainer, Gabriel A.",
  title        = "CD++: a tool to develop binary Cell-DEVS models (in Spanish). ",
  category     = "Tools",
  2nd category = "Cellular Modeling Techniques",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of the XXIV Latin-American Conference on Informatics. ",
  year         = "1998",
  address      = "Quito, Ecuador",
  url          = ""

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