A methodological approach for modeling the spread of disease using geographical discrete-event spatial models
Category: Real-Time Systems; Real-Time SimulationKeywords: Theory and methodology, DEVS methodology
Journal : Simulation
Number : 1
Volume : 100
Pages : 39–70
Month : Feb
Year : 2023
URL: http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2023/DFMRWDR23
BibTex references
@Journal_Article\{DFMRWDR23, author = "Davidson, Glenn and Fahlman, Aidan and Mereu, Eric and Ruiz-Martin, Cristina and Wainer, Gabriel A. and Dobias, Peter and Rempel, Mark ", title = "A methodological approach for modeling the spread of disease using geographical discrete-event spatial models", category = "Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation", journal = "Simulation", number = "1", volume = "100", pages = "39–70", month = "Feb", year = "2023", keywords = "Theory and methodology, DEVS methodology", url = "http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2023/DFMRWDR23" }