Mitigating the negative impact of new buildings on existing buildings’ user comfort—a case study analysis

Vinu Subashini Rajus, Nicolas Arellano Risopatron, William O’Brien, Gabriel A. Wainer, Stephen Fai
Simulation and Gaming. Sage Publishers, Volume 99, Number 11, page 1095–1115 - 2023
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Category: Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation
Keywords: Campus design, sustainability, generative design, building performance, occupant well-being
Journal : Simulation and Gaming. Sage Publishers
Number : 11
Volume : 99
Pages : 1095–1115
Year : 2023

BibTex references

  author       = "Rajus, Vinu Subashini  and Risopatron,  Nicolas Arellano and O’Brien, William  and Wainer, Gabriel A. and Fai, Stephen",
  title        = "Mitigating the negative impact of new buildings on existing buildings’ user comfort—a case study analysis",
  category     = "Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation",
  journal      = "Simulation and Gaming. Sage Publishers",
  number       = "11",
  volume       = "99",
  pages        = "1095–1115",
  year         = "2023",
  keywords     = "Campus design, sustainability, generative design, building performance, occupant well-being",
  url          = ""

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