Implementing a flexible environment for parallel simulation (in Spanish)

Edgardo Szulsztein, Gabriel A. Wainer
Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research. , Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 1999
Category: Parallel and Distributed Simulation
Booktitle: Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research.
Year : 1999
Address : Buenos Aires, Argentina.

BibTex references

  author       = "Szulsztein, Edgardo and Wainer, Gabriel A.",
  title        = "Implementing a flexible environment for parallel simulation (in Spanish)",
  category     = "Parallel and Distributed Simulation",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research. ",
  year         = "1999",
  address      = "Buenos Aires, Argentina.",
  url          = ""

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