The Application of the Viable System Model to Enhance Organizational Resilience
Category: Networking and Communications2nd Category: Models of Artificial Systems
Chapter : 5
Pages : 95-107
Month : April
Year : 2017
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Notes :
Type : Book Chapter
BibTex references
@InBook\{RPWPHL17, author = "Ruiz-Martin, Cristina and Pérez Ríos , José and Wainer, Gabriel A. and Pajares, Javier and Hernandez, Cesáreo and López-Paredes, Adolfo", title = "The Application of the Viable System Model to Enhance Organizational Resilience", category = "Networking and Communications", 2nd category = "Models of Artificial Systems", chapter = "5", pages = "95-107", month = "April", year = "2017", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", note = "", type = "Book Chapter", url = "" }