Discrete-Event Modeling of Human Behavior for Spread of Diseases on University Campuses
Category: OtherKeywords: DEVS, Human Behavior, Multiplex Dynamic Networks, Agents Based Modeling, Disease Spread
Journal : Computers & Industrial Engineering
Month : Nov
Year : 2024
URL: http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2024/GRW24
BibTex references
@Journal_Article\{GRW24, author = "Griffith, Hazel and Ruiz-Martin, Cristina and Wainer, Gabriel A.", title = "Discrete-Event Modeling of Human Behavior for Spread of Diseases on University Campuses", category = "Other", journal = "Computers & Industrial Engineering", month = "Nov", year = "2024", keywords = "DEVS, Human Behavior, Multiplex Dynamic Networks, Agents Based Modeling, Disease Spread", url = "http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2024/GRW24" }