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Cell-based representation and analysis of spatial resources in construction simulation

Cell-based representation and analysis of spatial resources in construction simulation

Cheng Zhang, Tarek M. Zayed, Amin Hammad, Gabriel A. Wainer
Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Volume 16, Number 4, page 436--448 - July 2007
Download the publication : ConstructionSdarticle.pdf [872Ko]  
Category: Architecture and Construction
2nd Category: Cellular Modeling Techniques
Journal : Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier
Number : 4
Volume : 16
Pages : 436--448
Month : July
Year : 2007
URL: http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2007/ZZHW07

BibTex references

  author       = "Zhang, Cheng and Zayed, Tarek M. and Hammad, Amin and Wainer, Gabriel A.",
  title        = "Cell-based representation and analysis of spatial resources in construction simulation",
  category     = "Architecture and Construction",
  2nd category = "Cellular Modeling Techniques",
  journal      = "Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier",
  number       = "4",
  volume       = "16",
  pages        = "436--448",
  month        = "July",
  year         = "2007",
  url          = "http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2007/ZZHW07"

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