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Hybrid control of network embedded controllers based on DEVS (in Spanish)

Hybrid control of network embedded controllers based on DEVS (in Spanish)

Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel A. Wainer
Proceedings of XIII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC’2009). , Rosario, Argentina - 2009
Category: Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation
2nd Category: Networking and Communications
3rd Category: Multi Modeling and Modeling Formalisms
Booktitle: Proceedings of XIII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC’2009).
Year : 2009
Address : Rosario, Argentina
URL: http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2009/CKW09

BibTex references

  author       = "Castro, Rodrigo and Kofman, Ernesto and Wainer, Gabriel A.",
  title        = "Hybrid control of network embedded controllers based on DEVS (in Spanish)",
  category     = "Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation",
  2nd category = "Networking and Communications",
  3rd category = "Multi Modeling and Modeling Formalisms",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of XIII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC’2009). ",
  year         = "2009",
  address      = "Rosario, Argentina",
  url          = "http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2009/CKW09"

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