Chen's Publications with ARSLab

Publications in 2003
1- "A facility for remote execution and visualization of Cell-DEVS models", Wenhong Chen, Master thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University - 2003 WenhongChen.pdf

2- "A framework for remote execution and visualization of Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Wenhong Chen, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 79, Number 11, page 626--647 - November 2003 Simulation04.pdf

3- "Remote execution and 3D visualization of Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Wenhong Chen, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conferenc, Montreal, QC. Canada - 2003 SCSC03VRML.pdf

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