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Complexity measure based on sensitivity analysis applied to an intensive care unit system

Complexity measure based on sensitivity analysis applied to an intensive care unit system

Joao R. B. Paiva, Viviane M. G. Pacheco, Poliana S. Barbosa, Fabiana R. Almeida, Gabriel A. Wainer, Flavio A. Gomes, Antonio P. Coimbra , Wesley P. Calixto
Nature, Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Number 14602 - Sep 2023
Download the publication : s41598-023-40149-x.pdf [1.4Mo]  
Category: Other
Keywords: Intensive Care Unit
Journal : Nature, Scientific Reports
Number : 14602
Volume : 13
Month : Sep
Year : 2023
URL: http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2023/RMSRWAPP23

BibTex references

  author       = "R. B. Paiva, Joao  and M. G. Pacheco, Viviane  and S. Barbosa, Poliana  and R. Almeida, Fabiana  and Wainer, Gabriel A. and A. Gomes, Flavio  and P. Coimbra , Antonio  and P. Calixto, Wesley ",
  title        = "Complexity measure based on sensitivity analysis applied to an intensive care unit system",
  category     = "Other",
  journal      = "Nature, Scientific Reports",
  number       = "14602",
  volume       = "13",
  month        = "Sep",
  year         = "2023",
  keywords     = "Intensive Care Unit",
  url          = "http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2023/RMSRWAPP23"

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