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Commemorating SIMULATION’s 100th volume: selected articles by Editorial Board members

Commemorating SIMULATION’s 100th volume: selected articles by Editorial Board members

Philippe J Giabbanelli, Gabriel A. Wainer
Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 100, Number 6, page 527–528 - May 2024
Download the publication : 3.pdf [283Ko]  
Category: Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation
Journal : Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Number : 6
Volume : 100
Pages : 527–528
Month : May
Year : 2024
URL: http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2024/JW24

BibTex references

  author       = "J Giabbanelli, Philippe   and Wainer, Gabriel A.",
  title        = "Commemorating SIMULATION’s 100th volume: selected articles by Editorial Board members",
  category     = "Real-Time Systems; Real-Time Simulation",
  journal      = "Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International",
  number       = "6",
  volume       = "100",
  pages        = "527–528",
  month        = "May",
  year         = "2024",
  url          = "http://cell-devs-02.sce.carleton.ca/publications/2024/JW24"

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