ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2021

83- "Spatial Models and Masks in Indoor Analysis for the Spread of COVID-19", Zein Hajj-Ali, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA - 2021 Spatial_Models_and_Masks_in_Indoor_Analysis_for_the_Spread_of_COVID-19.pdf

84- "Studying COVID-19 Spread Using a Geography Based Cellular Model", Glenn Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA - 2021 Studying_COVID-19_Spread_Using_a_Geography_Based_Cellular_Model.pdf

86- "Uncertainty on Discrete-Event System Simulation", Damian Vicino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 32, Number 1, page 1-27 - 2021 Uncertainty 69.pdf
Publications in 2020

88- "A Framework for the Extension of DEVS With Sensor Fusion Capabilities", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 A_Framework_for_the_Extension_of_DE.pdf

89- "A Model Library For Finite State Machines In Cadmium", Amitav Shaw, Arshpreet Singh, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 A_Model_Library_for_Finite_State_Machines_in_Cadmium.pdf

91- "Cell-DEVS for Social Phenomena Modeling", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Volume 7, Number 3, page 725 - 740 - 2020 Cell-DEVS_for_Social_Phenomena_Modeling.pdf

92- "Cell-DEVS Models for CO2 Sensors Locations in Closed Spaces", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, Zachary Dunnigan, 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) - 2020 Cell-DEVS-Models-for-CO2-Sensors-Locations-in-Closed-Spaces.pdf

94- "Designing real-time systems using imprecise discrete-event system specifications", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Software, Practice and Experience (Wiley), Volume 50, Number 8, page 1327-1344 - 2020 SPE2831.pdf

95- "Development of a Real-Time DEVS Kernel RT-Cadmium", Ben Earle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 Development_of_A_Real-Time_D.pdf

99- "Fog and Cloud Collaboration to Perform Virtual Simulation Experiments", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Practice and Experience (Elsevier), Volume 105, page 1-25 - 2020 Fog and Cloud Collabor.pdf

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