ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2018

142- "Formal Abstract Modeling of Dynamic Multiplex Networks", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Adolfo López-Paredes, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS), page 61-72, Rome, Italy - 2018 Formal Abstract Modeling of Dynamic Multiplex Networks.pdf

147- "Modeling Oil Spill in Coastal Waters Using Cell-DEVS", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Ngozi Silas Echegini, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Bordeaux, France. - 2018 Modeling Oil Spill in Coastal waters Using Cell_paper.pdf

148- "Observed Behaviours in Simulated Close-Range Pedestrian Dynamics", Omar Hesham, Princy, Walter Aburime, Ziyad Rabeh, Shashi Bhushan, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design (SimAUD), Delft, Netherlands - 2018 3289750.3289766_compressed.pdf

149- "Quality of Experience-AwareProgressive Video Caching and Adaptive Device-to-Device Video Streaming for Cellular Networks with High User Density", Ala'a Al-Habashna, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - 2018 al-habashna-qualityofexperienceawareprogressivevideocaching_compressed.pdf

150- "Relationship Between Risk and System Complexity from a Connection Based Metric Perspective", J. Braga de Paiva, Viviane M. Gomes, M. Reis, Gabriel A. Wainer, W. Calixto, IEEE 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Palermo, Italy - 2018 Relationship Between Risk and System Complexity from a Connection Based Metric Perspective.pdf

151- "Semi-Asynchronous Approximate Parallel DEVS Simulation of Web Search Engines", Gabriel A. Wainer, Mauricio Marin, Veronica Gil-Costa, Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience, Volume 30, Number 7 - April 2018 2018_-_Alonso_Inostrosa_Psijas_-_SemiasynchronousapproximateparallelDEVSsimulationo[retrieved_2018-11-24].pdf

152- "Using Cell-DEVS For Prototyping Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Simulation", Ifeoluwa Oyelowo, Bruno Artacho, Siu O’Young, Gabriel A. Wainer, SpringSim 2018 (TMS 18), Baltimore, MD - 2018 Using Cell-DEVS For Prototyping Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Simulation.pdf

153- "What We Know and Do Not Know About Organizational Resilience", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Adolfo López-Paredes, Gabriel A. Wainer, International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, Volume 6, Number 1, page 11-28 - 2018 7898-33822-3-PB.pdf
Publications in 2017
154- "A Cell-DEVS Model For Fracture Propagation In Rock", Gabriel A. Wainer, Scott Stewart, 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Las Vegas, NV - 2017 08247849.pdf

155- "An Abstract Discrete-Event Simulator Considering Input with Uncertainty", Damian Vicino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Virginia Beach, VA - 2017 devs_with_uncertainty.pdf

156- "Analytical Method for Calculating the Sensitivity Index of System Parameters", Viviane M. Gomes, Alfredo O. Assis, Calebe A. Matias, Julyana P. Saraiva, Flávio A. Gomes, Gabriel A. Wainer, Beatriz S. Lima, Alana S. Magalhães, Wesley P. Calixto, Paulo H. R. Flores, Junio S. Bulhões, 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Pucon, Chile - Oct. 2017 08229723.pdf

157- "Context-Sensitive Personal Space for Dense Crowd Simulation", Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design, Toronto, Canada - 2017 DenseCrowds_camready.pdf

160- "Handover Enhancement for LTE and Beyond Heterogeneous Cellular Networks", Baha Uddin Kazi , Gabriel A. Wainer, 2017 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Seattle, WA - 2017 2017 Handover Enhancement for LTE and Beyond Heterogeneous Cellular Networks.pdf

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