ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2002
501- "Automatic verification of DEVS models", Liliana Morihama, Viviana Pasuello, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SISO Spring Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2002 SISO02.PDF

502- "CD++: a toolkit to define discrete-event models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Software, Practice and Experience. Wiley, Volume 32, Number 3, page 1261--1306 - November 2002 spe482.pdf

504- "Comparing simulation methods for fire spreading across a fuel bed", Alexandre Muzy, Gabriel A. Wainer, Eric Innocenti, Antoine Aiello, Jean-Franăçois Santucci, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Lisbon, Portugal - 2002 AIS02Fire.PDF

505- "Computer system modeling at the hardware level", Amir Saghir, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2002 AmirSaghir.pdf

506- "Definition of Real-Time simulation in the CD++ toolkit", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2002 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. , San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 SCSC02RTDEVS.PDF

507- "N-dimensional Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Discrete Events Systems: Theory and Applications, Kluwer, Volume 12, Number 1, page 135--157 - January 2002 ncd.pdf

508- "Performance analysis of DEVS environments", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Lisbon, Portugal - 2002 AIS02PerfDEVS.PDF

509- "Performance Analysis of Real-Time DEVS models", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 WSC02RTDEVS.pdf

510- "Real-time simulation of DEVS models", Ezequiel Glinsky, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2002 EGlinsky.pdf

511- "Using the CD++ DEVS Tookit to Develop Petri Nets", Christian Jacques, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 SCSC02PN.PDF
Publications in 2001
512- "A graphical tool to define DEVS models", X. Wu, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2001

513- "Application of the ATLAS language in models of urban traffic", Andrea Dă­az, Verănica Vazquez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 34th IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Seattle, WA. U.S.A - 2001 ASS01ATLAS.PDF

515- "Compiling traffic models using TSC", Mariana Lo Tăirtaro, Căesar Torres, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SCS European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, France - 2001 ESS01TSC.pdf

516- "Conservative parallel discrete-event simulation in Warped (in Spanish)", Edgardo Szulsztein, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2001 ESulszteinSpanish.pdf

517- "Defining Congestion Control Mechanisms in ATLAS", Andrea Dă­az, Verănica Vazquez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2001 SCSC01-CONG.pdf

518- "Defining DEVS models with the CD++ toolkit", Gaston Christen, Alejandro Dobniewski, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SCS European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, France - 2001 ESS01Tool.PDF

519- "Defining graphical output behavior in a DEVS modeling environment", Ying Wang, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2001

520- "Defining Models of Urban Traffic Using the TSC Tool", Mariana Lo Tăirtaro, Căesar Torres, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, VA. USA - 2001 WSC01TSC.PDF

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