ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2015
221- "DEVS Modelling and Simulation for Development of Embedded Systems", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference 2015, Huntington Beach, CA - Accepted 2015 tutorialWSC2015v2.pdf

222- "Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation for Embedded Systems", Daniella Niyonkuru, Gabriel A. Wainer, IEEE/IAP Computing in Science and Engineering, Volume 17, Number 5, page 52-63 - Sept 2015 07208764.pdf

223- "Distributed Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models Using RISE Middleware", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Practice and Experience, Elsevier, Volume 55, Number 6, page 27-45 - June 2015 1-s2.0-S1569190X15000519-main.pdf

224- "Editorial for Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Volume 26, Number 1, page 1e-1--1e-3 - 2015 a1e-wainer.pdf

225- "Mobile Simulation: Bringing Simulations to Smartphones", Mohammad Etemad, Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mobile App competition paper. Spring Simulation Conference, Alexandria, VA - 2015 12.pdf

226- "Modeling the Communications in an Emergency Plan with P-DEVS", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Adolfo López-Paredes, Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, page 3086--3087, Huntington Beach, California - December 2015 WSC_2015_Modelling_the_communications_in_an_emergency_plan_with_DEVS.pdf

227- "Semantic Selection for Model Composition using SAMSaaS", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2015 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS’15, Arlington, VA - 2015 15-TMS15-model selection-final.pdf

228- "Sequential PDEVS architecture", Damian Vicino, Daniella Niyonkuru, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, Proceedings of 2015 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS’15, Arlington, VA - 2015 SequentialPDEVSArchitecture.pdf

229- "The Cell-DEVS Formalism as a Method for Activity Tracking in Spatial Modeling and Simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, International Journal in Process Modeling and Simulation. Inderscience., Volume 10, Number 1, page 19-38 - January 2015 IJSPM100103 WAINER.pdf

230- "Towards a DEVS-based Operating System", Gabriel A. Wainer, Daniella Niyonkuru, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS), London, UK - 2015 p101-niyonkuru.pdf

231- "Using A Discrete-Event System Specifications (DEVS) for Designing a Modelica Compiler", Gabriel A. Wainer, Mariana D'Abreu, Advances in Engineering Software. Elsevier, Volume 79, Number 1, page 111-126 - Jan 2015 j4.pdf

232- "Using Discrete Event Cell-Based Multimodels for the Simulation of Evacuation Processes", Gabriel A. Wainer, In Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation - A Tribute to Tuncer Ă–ren. L. Yilmaz Ed. Springer, page 175-196, Verlag - 2015 AgentsinCellularModelsforCrowdSimulationinEvacuationProcesses3_compressed.pdf

234- "Using Finite Forkable DEVS for Decision-Making Based on Time Measured with Uncertainty", Damian Vicino, Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS) Poster Session - London, UK 2015 ffdevs.pdf
Publications in 2014
235- "A data type for discretized time representation in DEVS", Damian Vicino, Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Lisbon, Portugal - 2014 p7.pdf

236- "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamic Solver Based on Cell-DEVS", Michael Van Schyndel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2014 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS 14), Tampa, FL - 2014 p10.pdf

237- "Cellular Modeling with Cell-DEVS: a Discrete-Event Cellular Automata formalism", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACRI 2014 (Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (Plenary Paper), Krakow, Poland - 2014 p5.pdf

238- "Computational Fluid Dynamic Cell-DEVS M&S of Coronary Heart Disease", Michael Van Schyndel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Azam Khan, Rhys Goldstein, Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2014, Monterey, CA - 2014 p6.pdf

239- "Computational Fluid Dynamic Solver based on Cellular Discrete-Event Simulation for use in Biological Systems", Michael Van Schyndel, Master thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, ETH Zürich, Switzerland - 2014 Michael.pdf

240- "DEVS modeling of large scale web search engines", Gabriel A. Wainer, Veronica Gil-Costa, Mauricio Marin, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference 2014, Savannah, GA - 2014 07020144.pdf

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