ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2009
341- "Development Tools and Techniques for Mobile Telecommunications", Olivier Dalle, John R. Heath, Gabriel A. Wainer, Eds. Special Issue for Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Springer Netherlands - 2009

343- "DEVS-Based Dynamic Simulation of Deformable Biological Structures", Rhys Goldstein, Master thesis from Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 5B6 - Sep 2009 Goldstein__MASc_Thesis.pdf

345- "Flattened Conservatie Parallel Simulator for DEVS and Cell-DEVS", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada - 2009 CSE09_Final.pdf

346- "Hybrid control of network embedded controllers based on DEVS (in Spanish)", Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of XIII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC’2009). , Rosario, Argentina - 2009

347- "Hybrid Modeling of Opto-Electrical Interfaces Using DEVS and Modelica", Victorino Sanz, Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gabriela Nicolescu, Alfonso Urquia, Sebastian Dormido, Springsim 2009 conference proceeding (DEVS Symposium), San Diego, CA, USA - Mar 2009 09SPRING-DEVS-05.pdf

348- "Implementing parallel and distributed DEVS and Cell-DEVS simulation in a windows platform", Bo Feng, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2009 BoFeng.pdf

349- "Modeling a neural decoder based on spiking neurons in DEVS", Yuri Boiko, Gabriel A. Wainer, Springsim 2009 (DEVS Symposium), San Diego, CA. USA. - 2009 Neural decoder minus SNTDEVS09.pdf

355- "Simulation of a Presynaptic Nerve Terminal with a Tethered Particle System Model", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Minneapolis, MN - 2009 Goldstein__PNT__2009-06-18_EMBC.pdf

356- "Simulation of Deformable Biological Structures with a Tethered Particle System Model", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (CMBEC), Calgary, AB - May 2009 Goldstein__TPS__2009-03-17_CMBEC.pdf

357- "Simulation of Large Wireless Sensor Networks using Cell-DEVS", Blerim Qela, Gabriel A. Wainer, Houssein Mouftah, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, TX - 2009 qelab82820v4.pdf

358- "Tools for DEVS Modeling, Simulation and 3D Visualization", Patrick Castonguay, Tania Pendergast, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Proceedings Of SIMUTools Conference - 2009 a34-castonguay.pdf

359- "Tools for Graphical Specification and Visualization of DEVS Models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Qi Liu, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 85, Number 3, page 131-158 - Mar. 2009 131.pdf

360- "Using REST Web-Services Architecture for Distributed Simulation", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, 23rd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, page TBD, Lake Placid, NY - 2009 3713a114.pdf

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