ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2000
521- "Construction of a compiler for the ATLAS modeling language", Mariana Lo Tãirtaro, Cãesar Torres, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 TSC.pdf

522- "Experimental results of Timed Cell-DEVS quantization", Gabriel A. Wainer, Bernard P. Zeigler, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Tucson, AZ. USA. - 2000 AISquant.pdf

523- "Improved Cellular Models with Parallel Cell-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International, Volume 17, Number 2, page 73--88 - June 2000 TransSCS00.pdf

524- "Including real-time scheduling techniques in the IGNATIUS SCADA toolkit", Pablo Esper, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 PEsperSpanish.pdf

525- "Modeling complex physical systems with Cell-DEVS (in Spanish)", Javier Ameghino, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 JAmeghinoSpanish.pdf

526- "Routing and congestion in ATLAS (in Spanish)", Andrea Dã­az, Verãnica Vazquez, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 DiazVazquez.pdf

527- "Specifying truck movement in traffic models using Cell-DEVS", Alejandra Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 33rd IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington DC, USA - 2000 ASStruck.PDF

528- "Traffic control specifications using discrete event cellular models", Alejandra Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Tucson, AZ, USA - 2000 AIS-Traff.PDF

529- "Using the DEVS paradigm to implement a simulated processor", Sergio Daicz, Alejandro Troccoli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Sergio Zlotnik, Proceedings of 33rd IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington DC, USA - 2000 ASS-Alfa1.PDF
Publications in 1999
530- "Application of the Cell-DEVS formalism using the tool N-CD++ (in Spanish)", Daniel Rodrí­guez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XXV Latin-American Conference on Informatics., Asunción, Paraguay. - 1999

531- "Applying the binary timed Cell-DEVS paradigm for complex systems modeling and simulation (in Spanish)", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research., Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1999

532- "Avoiding serialization in timed Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Chicago, U.S.A - 1999 SCSC99-SPECTS.pdf

533- "Cell-DEVS with explicit delays: Parallel simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, Daniel Rodrí­guez, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of the 15th ISPE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Aguas de Lindoia, SP, Brazil. - 1999 CandF.pdf

534- "Definition of ATLAS, a specification language for urban traffic modeling (in Spanish)", Alejandra Davidson, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 1999 ADavisonSpanish.pdf

535- "Design and implementation of alternative real-time scheduling in an experimental operating system", Viviana Albarracin, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1999

536- "Design and implementation of alternative real-time scheduling in an experimental operating system", Maria Eugenia Nazar, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1999

537- "Implementing a flexible environment for parallel simulation (in Spanish)", Edgardo Szulsztein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research. , Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 1999

538- "Implementing n-dimensional Cell-DEVS models", Daniel Rodrí­guez, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 1999 DanielRodriguezSpanish.pdf

539- "New Extensions to the CD++ tool", Daniel Rodrí­guez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 31st SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Chicago, U.S.A - 1999 SCSC99-N-CD++.pdf

540- "New Real-Time Extensions to the MINIX operating system", Pablo Rogina, Gabriel A. Wainer, Technical Report 99-005. Computer Science Department. Universidad de Buenos Aires. - 1999 RT-MINIX.pdf

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