ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2020

102- "Fog and Cloud Collaboration to Perform Virtual Simulation Experiments", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Practice and Experience (Elsevier), Volume 105, page 1-25 - 2020 Fog and Cloud Collabor.pdf

104- "Modeling Carbon Dioxide Dispersion Indoors: A Cell-DEVS Experiment", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, Cellular Automata: 14th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2020, Lodz, Poland, December 2–4, 2020, Proceedings, page 226–236 - 2020

105- "Parallel Execution of DEVS in Shared-Memory Multicore Architectures", Juan Lanuza, Guillermo Trabes, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 Parallel_Execution_of_DEVS_in_Shared-Memory_Multicore_Architectures.pdf

106- "Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design", Angelos Chronis, Gabriel Wurzer, Wolfgang E. Lorenz, Christiane M. Herr, Ulrich Pont, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020

108- "Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis of CPS Faults in DEVS", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data Systems and Application (DependSys), Nadi, Fiji - 2020 Real-Time_Fault_Detection_and_.pdf

109- "RSSI-based Indoor Localization with LTE-A Ultra-Dense Networks", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 The International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Madrid, Spain - 2020 RSSI-based Indoor L.pdf

110- "Strategic Airlift Operationalizing Constructive Simulations", Rob Barwell, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 STRATEGIC.pdf

111- "Studying Malware Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Cell-DEVS", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 Studying_Malware_Propagation_in_Wireless_Sensor_Networks_with_Cell-DEVS.pdf
Publications in 2019
112- "50 Summers of Computer Simulation", Umut Durak, Andrea D’ambrogio, Andrea Tolk, Saikou Diallo, Gabriel A. Wainer, Summer of Simulation, page 1-24 - 2019

113- "A Cell-DEVS Model For Logistic Urban Growth", Bruno St-Aubin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Annual Simulation Symposium, Tucson, AZ - 2019 A Cell-DEVS Model for Logistic Urban Growth.pdf

114- "A Cell-DEVS Model For Logistic Urban Growth - Demo", Bruno St-Aubin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Demo Session. Spring Simulation Conference, Tucson AZ - 2019 A Cell-DEVS Model for Logistic Urban Growth - Demo Abstract(1).pdf

115- "An Architecture for Integrating BDI Agents with a Simulation Environment", Alan Davoust, Patrick Gavigan, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Guillermo Trabes, Babak Esfandiari, Gabriel A. Wainer, Jeremy James, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS), Montréal, QC - 2019 EMAS2019_paper_22_compressed.pdf

116- "An Introduction to Cellular Automata Models with Cell-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor. MD - 2019 TUTORIAL-WSC19.pdf

118- "Analytics And Visualization Of Spatial Models As A Service", Bruno St-Aubin, Eli Yammine, Majed Nayef, Gabriel A. Wainer, SummerSim-SCSC 2019, Berlin, Germany - 2019 Analytics and Visualization of Spatial Models as a Service.pdf

119- "Analyzing The Impact Of Quantum Size On The Accuracy And Performance Of Cell-DEVS Fire Models", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (SpringSim-TMS) , Tucson AZ - 2019 Analyzing The Impact Of Quantum Size On The Accuracy And Performance Of Cell-DEVS Fire Models.pdf

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