ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2010
301- "Advanced IDE for Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems ", Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, Orlando, FL - April 2010 Paper_AdvancedIDEForDEVS.pdf

302- "Algorithms for Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models", Qi Liu, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - Sep 2010 Algorithms.pdf

303- "An environment for development graphical models using E-CD++", Matias Bonaventura, Master thesis from Computer Science. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2010

306- "Application of RT-DEVS in Military", Mohammad Moallemi, Dieynaba Alpha Tall, Gabriel A. Wainer, Antoine Awad, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), MMS Symposium, page 3--10, Orlando, FL - April 2010 M_M_Tank_Model.pdf

307- "Applying Cellular Automata and DEVS Methodologies to Digital Games: A Survey", Gabriel A. Wainer, Qi Liu, Olivier Dalle, Bernard P. Zeigler, Simulation and Gaming. Sage Publishers, Volume 41, Number 6, page 796-823 - dec 2010 j10-WLDZ10.pdf

308- "Applying the TPS method to Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems", Sanaa Lissari, Nada Farran, Hamel Yigang, Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium - 2010 Lissari-Farran-Yigang__2010-07-25.pdf

309- "Conservative DEVS - A Novel Protocol for Parallel Conservative Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models ", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, page 168--175, Orlando, FL - April 2010 65_PAPER_Final.pdf

310- "Conservative vs. Optimistic Parallel Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS: A Comparative Study", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 342--350 - July 2010 Shafagh_Final_summersim2010.pdf

311- "Creation of DEVS Models using Imitation Learning", Michael W. Floyd, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 334--341 - July 2010 Michael_Floyd.pdf

312- "Designing an Interface for Real-Time and Embedded DEVS", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, page 154--161, Orlando, FL - April 2010 M_M_Driver_Model.pdf

313- "Development Tools and Techniques for Mobile Telecommunications", Olivier Dalle, John R. Heath, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mobile Networks and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Volume 15, Number 6 - Dec 2010 Development_Tools_and_Techniqu.pdf

314- "DEVS modelling and simulation of the cellular metabolism by mitochondria", Gabriel A. Wainer, Roxana Djafarzadeh, Molecular Simulation, Taylor and Francis, Volume 36, Number 12, page 907-928 - oct 2010 J11-WD10.pdf

315- "DEVS-based Modeling of a Human Motion Data Synthesis System based on Motion Capture Data", Seyed Ali Etemad, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 469--475 - July 2010 HMC.pdf

316- "Exploring Multi-Grained Parallelism in Compute-Intensive DEVS Simulations", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 24th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2010), Atlanta, GA - May 2010 PADS2010.pdf

317- "From DEVS to RTA-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Procedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications DS-RT 2010, , page TBD, Washington, DC - July 2010 05636855.pdf

318- "Global Lookahead Management (GLM) Protocol for Conservative DEVS Simulation", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Procedings of IEEE IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications DS-RT 2010, page 141-148, Washington DC - July 2010 Publication_2.pdf

319- "Improving the Performance of Neural Networks through Parallel Processing in the Cell Broadband Engine", Yuri Boiko, Master thesis from Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa ON, Canada. K1S 5B6 - 2010 FINAL_THESIS YURI_v21_compressed.pdf

320- "Integrating Building Information Modeling & Cell-DEVS Simulation", Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), SimAUD Symposium, page 45--52, Orlando, FL - April 2010 Integrating Building Information Modeling & Cell-DEVS Simulation.pdf

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