ARSLab Publications

Publications in 2025
Publications in 2024
2- "100 Volumes of SIMULATION", Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 100, Number 6, page 525–526 - May 2024 5.pdf

3- "100 volumes of SIMULATION— 20 years of DEVS research", Gabriel A. Wainer, Sasisekhar Govind, Simulation, Volume 100, Number 12, page 1297–1318 - Dec 2024 14.pdf

5- "Brooks-Iyengar Algorithm in pub/sub Architecture Using the DEVS Formalism", Iman Alavi Fazel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proc. of the 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24), Washington DC, USA - May 2024 10.pdf

7- "Commemorating SIMULATION’s 100th volume: selected articles by Editorial Board members", Philippe J Giabbanelli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Volume 100, Number 6, page 527–528 - May 2024 3.pdf

8- "Context, Composition, Automation, and Communication: The C2AC Roadmap for Modeling and Simulation", ADELINDE M. UHRMACHER, Peter Frazier, REINER HÄHNLE, FRANZISKA KLÜGL, FABIAN LORIG, BERTRAM LUDÄSCHER, LAURA NENZI, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, BERNHARD RUMPE, CLAUDIA SZABO, Gabriel A. Wainer, PIA WILSDORF, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 34, Number 4, page 1--51 - Aug 2024 1.pdf

9- "DEVS BASED ROBUST COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL FOR INTER-SIMULATION COMMUNICATION IN CADMIUM", Sasisekhar Govind, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proc. of the 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24), Washington DC, USA - May 2024 7.pdf

10- "DEVS FORMAL MODELING AND SIMULATION IN MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proc. of the 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24), Washington, D.C. USA - May 2024 12.pdf

13- "FLATTENED PARALLEL DEVS SIMULATIONS ON GPU ARCHITECTURES", Guillermo Trabes, Alonso Inostrosa-Psijas, Veronica Gil-Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proc. of the 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24), Washington DC, USA - May 2024 11.pdf

14- "FUNCTIONAL MOCK-UP INTERFACE BASED SIMULATION OF CONTINUOUSTIME SYSTEMS IN CADMIUM", Ritvik Joshi, James Nutaro, Bernard P. Zeigler, Gabriel A. Wainer, Doohwan Kim, Proc. of the 2024 Annual Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24), Washington, D.C., DC, USA - May 2024 17.pdf

15- "HANDLING ASYNCHRONOUS INPUTS IN DEVS BASED REAL-TIME KERNELS", Sasisekhar Govind, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA - Dec 2024 6.pdf

17- "On editing 100 volumes of SIMULATION", Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Volume 100, Number 12, page 1177–1179 - Dec 2024 15.pdf

19- "TESTING METHODOLOGY FOR DEVS MODELS IN CADMIUM", Curtis Winstanley, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA - Dec 2024 19.pdf
Publications in 2023
20- "A DEVS-Based Methodology for Simulation and Model-Driven Development of IoT", Iman Alavi Fazel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation Tools and Techniques, page 3–17, Seville, Spain - Dec 2023 [iman].pdf

23- "A Parallel Algorithm to Accelerate DEVS Simulations in Shared Memory Architectures", Guillermo Trabes, Gabriel A. Wainer, Veronica Gil-Costa, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, Volume 34, Number 5, page 1609-1620 - May 2023 [2].pdf

24- "A Survey of Visualization Capabilities for Simulation Environments", Bruno St-Aubin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Fernando Loor, 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), page 13-24, Hamilton, ON, Canada - May 2023 A_Survey_of_Visualization_Capabilities_for_Simulation_Environments_compressed.pdf

25- "Approximate Discrete-Event Method for Supervisory Control", Maaz Jamal, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Dec 2023 [11n].pdf

26- "Complexity measure based on sensitivity analysis applied to an intensive care unit system", Joao R. B. Paiva, Viviane M. G. Pacheco, Poliana S. Barbosa, Fabiana R. Almeida, Gabriel A. Wainer, Flavio A. Gomes, Antonio P. Coimbra , Wesley P. Calixto, Nature, Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Number 14602 - Sep 2023 s41598-023-40149-x.pdf

27- "Decision Support Framework for Automating the Optimization of Edge Computing Federations", Antonio F. Rodríguez-Liria, Roman Cardenas, Patricia Arroba, José M. Moya, Jose Luis Risco Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON, Canada - May 2023 [1n].pdf

29- "Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Allocation for Secure RIS-aided UAV Communication", Amjad Iqbal, Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Faouzi Bouali, Gary Boudreau, Khan Wali, IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall), Hong Kong, Hong Kong - Oct 2023 [2n].pdf

30- "DESIGNING EV CHARGING STATIONS DEPLOYMENT THROUGH HOLISTIC SIMULATIONS: THE SANEVEC PROJECT", José-Luis Guisado-Lizar, Gabriel Jiménez-Moreno, Fernando Diaz-del-Rio, Jose Luis Sevillano Ramos, Daniel Cagigas-Muñiz, María José Morón-Fernández, Daniel Cascado-Caballero, Francisco Jiménez-Morales, Miguel Cárdenas-Montes, Gabriel A. Wainer, David Ragel-Díaz-Jara, Jesús Rodríguez Leal, Elena Cerezuela-Escudero, Juan Manuel Montes-Sánchez, Daniel Casanueva-Morato, Alvaro Ayuso-Martínez, IET Conference Proceedings, page 133 – 139, Glasgow, UK - Dec 2023 [3n].pdf

31- "DEVS MODELING AND SIMULATION OF THE LOADING AND HAULING PROCESS IN OPEN PIT MINES", Joel Santana, Alonso Inostrosa-Psijas, Francisco Moreno, Mauricio Oyarzún, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, page 3082 -- 3093, San Antonio Texas USA - Feb 2023 n[16].pdf

32- "DQ-Based Random Access NOMA for Massive Critical IoT Scenarios in 5G Networks", Mohammad Reza Amini, Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gary Boudreau, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Volume 23, Number 5, page 6363--6376 - September 2023 4.pdf

33- "Empowering Non-Terrestrial Networks With Artificial Intelligence: A Survey", Amjad Iqbal, MAU-LUEN THAM, YI JIE WONG, Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, YONG XU ZHU, TASOS DAGIUKLAS, IEEE Access, Volume 11, page 100986 - 101006 - September 2023 Main File.pdf

34- "ENERGY AND POWER EVALUATION OF PARALLEL DEVS SIMULATIONS ON MULTICORE ARCHITECTURES", Guillermo Trabes, Veronica Gil-Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON, Canada - 2023 [5n].pdf

35- "FORMALIZING CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEM INTERFACES USING DEVS", Rishabh Sudhir Jiresal, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON, Canada - May 2023 [6n].pdf

37- "Mitigating the negative impact of new buildings on existing buildings’ user comfort—a case study analysis", Vinu Subashini Rajus, Nicolas Arellano Risopatron, William O’Brien, Gabriel A. Wainer, Stephen Fai, Simulation, Volume 99, Number 11, page 1095–1115 - June 2023 [7n].pdf

38- "MODELING AND SIMULATING STREAM PROCESSING PLATFORMS", Alonso Inostrosa-Psijas, Roberto Solar, Mauricio Marin, Veronica Gil-Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Dec 2023 n[15].pdf

39- "MODELING REACTIVE GAME AGENTS USING THE CELL-DEVS MODELING FORMALISM", Alvi Jawad, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Dec 2023 [8n].pdf

41- "PID CONTROL USING QUANTIZED STATE SYSTEMS IN RT-DEVS FRAMEWORKS", Mahya Shahmohammadimehrjardi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mengyao Wu, Xinrui Zhang, 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Hamilton, ON, Canada - May 2023 [9n].pdf

42- "RUSTSIM: A PROCESS-ORIENTED SIMULATION FRAMEWORK FOR THE RUST LANGUAGE", Kevin Frez, Mauricio Oyarzún, Alonso Inostrosa-Psijas, Francisco Moreno, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Dec 2023 n[14] (1).pdf

43- "SEAIRD MODEL TO SIMULATE THE IMPACT OF HUMAN BEHAVIORS", Aidan Fahlman, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Dec 2023 n[11].pdf

44- "SENSOR FUSION DEVS FOR ANGLE ESTIMATION ON INERTIAL MEASUREMENT UNIT", Gabriel A. Wainer, Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Vedant Paranjape, Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Dec 2023 n[13] (1).pdf
Publications in 2022

46- "Advanced Cell-DEVS modeling applications: a legacy of Norbert Giambiasi", Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, Volume 98, Number 5, page 465–491 - 2022 wainer-2018-advanced-cell-devs-modeling-applications-a-legacy-of-norbert-giambiasi_compressed.pdf

48- "Asymmetric Cell-DEVS Models with the Cadmium Simulator", Roman Cardenas, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory - August 2022 Asymmetric Cell-DEVS Models with the Cadmium Simulator.pdf

49- "Canadian Jobs amid a Pandemic: Examining the Relationship between Professional Industry and Salary to Regional Key Performance Indicators", Rahul Anilkumar, Benjamin Melone, Michael Patsula, Christophe Tran, Christopher Wang, Kevin Dick, Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC) - August 2022 Canadian_Jobs_amid_a_Pandemic_Examining_the_Relationship_between_Professional_Industry_and_Salary_to_Regional_Key_Performance_Indicators.pdf

51- "Cell-DEVS for Social Phenomena Modelling", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Volume 7, Number 3, page 725 - 740 - 2022 Cell-DEVS_for_Social_Phenomena_Modeling.pdf

58- "Editorial: Special issue on modelling and simulation in the cloud computing era", Alberto Falcone, Alfredo Garro, Navonil Mustafee, Muaz A. Niazi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Journal of Simulation, Volume 16, Number 6, page 547-549 - 2022

59- "Elucidation of the Relationship Between a Songs Spotify Descriptive Metrics and its Popularity on Various Platforms", Laura Colley, Andrew Dybka, Adam Gauthier, Jacob Laboissonniere, Alexandre Mougeot, Nayeeb Mowla, Kevin Dick, Hoda Khalil, 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Los Alamitos, CA, USA - August 2022 Elucidation_of_the_Relationship_Between_-compressed.pdf

60- "Enabling Collaborative Modeling Through A Web Library of DEVS Models", Hamza Qassoud, Bruno St-Aubin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), page 814-823 - 2022 ENABLING-COLLABORATIVE-MODELING-THROUGH-A-WEB-LIBRARY-OF-DEVS-MODELS.pdf

62- "Exploration of Network Theory to Evaluate Organizational Resilience", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Adolfo López-Paredes, International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, Volume 7, Number 1, page 28-48 - 2022 Exploration of Network Theory.pdf

63- "Formal Modeling and Simulation for SARS-CoV-2 Containment Scenarios in Catalonia", Casas P. Fonseca, Subirana J. Garcia, Palomés X. Pi , Gabriel A. Wainer, Computing in Science & Engineering, Volume 24, Number 3, page 86-90 - 2022

64- "Geographical Sevird Covid-19 Model With Travel Restrictions", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Nirmal Patel, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), page 449-460, San Diego, CA, USA - 2022

67- "Machine Learning-based Indoor Localization and Occupancy Estimation using 5G Ultra-Dense Networks", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Moayad Aloqaily, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, Volume 118, Number 1, page 1-17 - 2022 Machine Learning-based Indoor2.pdf

72- "Modelling Fog & Cloud Collaboration Methods on Large Scale", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Orlando, FL, USA - 2022

74- "Software Architecture For Integrating Devs Simulation Into BIM", Mitali Patel, Vinu Subashini Rajus, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), page 670-681 - 2022 SOFTWARE-ARCHITECTURE-FOR-INTEGRATING-DEVS-SIMULATION-INTO-BIM.pdf

75- "The DEVStone Metric: Performance Analysis of DEVS Simulation Engines", Roman Cardenas, Kevin Henares, Patricia Arroba, Jose Luis Risco Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 32, Number 3, page 1-20 - 2022 The DEVStone Metric_compressed.pdf

Publications in 2021
77- "A cloud-based workflow for the integration of BIM to DEVS", V Subashini Rajus, Mitali Patel, Roman Cardenas, Omar Kawach, Gabriel A. Wainer, Symposium on Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2021), Virtual Event - 2021 A cloud-based workflow.pdf

78- "A DEVS-based engine for building digital quadruplets", Daniella Niyonkuru, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 97, Number 7, page 485–506 - 2021 A DEVS-based engine for building2.pdf

80- "A Web Based Modeling and Simulation Environment to Support the DEVS Simulation Lifecycle", Bruno St-Aubin, Jon Menard, 2021 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2021 A_Web_Based_Modeling_and_Simulation_Environment_to_Support_the_DEVS_Simulation_Lifecycle.pdf

81- "A Workflow For Data-Driven Fault Detection and Diagnosis In Buildings", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA - 2021 A_Workflow_For_Data-Driven_Fault_Detection_and_Diagnosis_In_Buildings.pdf

82- "Advanced models for centroidal particle dynamics: short-range collision avoidance in dense crowds", Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 97, Number 8, page 529–543 - 2021 Advanced models for centroi2.pdf

83- "Analysis and Adequacy Methodology for Voltage Violations in Distribution Power Grid", Wagner A. Vilela Junior, Antonio P. Coimbra, Gabriel A. Wainer, Joao Caetano Neto, Jose A. G. Cararo, Márcio R. C. Reis, Paulo V. Santos, Wesley P. Calixto, energies, Volume 14, page 1-21 - 2021 Analysis_and_Adequacy_Methodology_for_Voltage_Viol2.pdf

85- "Cell-DEVS models with BIM integration for airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors", Taghreed Altamimi, Hoda Khalil, V Subashini Rajus, Ryan Carriere, Gabriel A. Wainer, Symposium on Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD 2021) - 2021 Viral particles spread indoor models-SimAud-98.pdf

86- "Comparative Study Between Cadmium DEVS and LibCppSim", Fernando Loor, Veronica Gil-Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer, Internati onal Conference on High PerformanceComputi ng & Simulati on (HPCS 2021), Barcelona, Spain - 2021

87- "Complexity Analysis on Flattened PDEVS Simulations", Guillermo Trabes, Veronica Gil-Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA - 2021 Complexity_Analysis_on_Flattened_PDEVS_Simulations.pdf

88- "Computational Science in the Battle Against COVID-19", Gabriel A. Wainer, Konrad Hinsen, Kelly Gaither, IEEE Computi ng in Science andEngineering. - 2021 Computational_Science_in_the_Battle_Against_COVID-19Part_II.pdf

89- "Explicit Modeling of Personal Space for Improved Local Dynamics in Simulated Crowds", Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 31, Number 4, page 1-28 - 2021 Explicit M2.pdf

90- "Extended compartmental model of COVID-19: A cell-devs defitinion", Aidan Fahlman, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Peter Dobias, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM 25th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications - 2021 Extended Compartmental Model of COVID-19 a Cell-DEVS Definition.pdf

96- "Spatial Models and Masks in Indoor Analysis for the Spread of COVID-19", Zein Hajj-Ali, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA - 2021 Spatial_Models_and_Masks_in_Indoor_Analysis_for_the_Spread_of_COVID-19.pdf

97- "Studying COVID-19 Spread Using a Geography Based Cellular Model", Glenn Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, USA - 2021 Studying_COVID-19_Spread_Using_a_Geography_Based_Cellular_Model.pdf

99- "Uncertainty on Discrete-Event System Simulation", Damian Vicino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Volume 32, Number 1, page 1-27 - 2021 Uncertainty 69.pdf
Publications in 2020

101- "A Framework for the Extension of DEVS With Sensor Fusion Capabilities", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 A_Framework_for_the_Extension_of_DE.pdf

102- "A Model Library For Finite State Machines In Cadmium", Amitav Shaw, Arshpreet Singh, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 A_Model_Library_for_Finite_State_Machines_in_Cadmium.pdf

104- "Cell-DEVS for Social Phenomena Modeling", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Volume 7, Number 3, page 725 - 740 - 2020 Cell-DEVS_for_Social_Phenomena_Modeling.pdf

105- "Cell-DEVS Models for CO2 Sensors Locations in Closed Spaces", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, Zachary Dunnigan, 2020 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) - 2020 Cell-DEVS-Models-for-CO2-Sensors-Locations-in-Closed-Spaces.pdf

107- "Designing real-time systems using imprecise discrete-event system specifications", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Software, Practice and Experience (Wiley), Volume 50, Number 8, page 1327-1344 - 2020 SPE2831.pdf

108- "Development of a Real-Time DEVS Kernel RT-Cadmium", Ben Earle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 Development_of_A_Real-Time_D.pdf

112- "Fog and Cloud Collaboration to Perform Virtual Simulation Experiments", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Practice and Experience (Elsevier), Volume 105, page 1-25 - 2020 Fog and Cloud Collabor.pdf

114- "Modeling Carbon Dioxide Dispersion Indoors: A Cell-DEVS Experiment", Hoda Khalil, Gabriel A. Wainer, Cellular Automata: 14th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2020, Lodz, Poland, December 2–4, 2020, Proceedings, page 226–236 - 2020

115- "Parallel Execution of DEVS in Shared-Memory Multicore Architectures", Juan Lanuza, Guillermo Trabes, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 Parallel_Execution_of_DEVS_in_Shared-Memory_Multicore_Architectures.pdf

116- "Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design", Angelos Chronis, Gabriel Wurzer, Wolfgang E. Lorenz, Christiane M. Herr, Ulrich Pont, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020

118- "Real-Time Fault Detection and Diagnosis of CPS Faults in DEVS", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data Systems and Application (DependSys), Nadi, Fiji - 2020 Real-Time_Fault_Detection_and_.pdf

119- "RSSI-based Indoor Localization with LTE-A Ultra-Dense Networks", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 The International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Madrid, Spain - 2020 RSSI-based Indoor L.pdf

120- "Strategic Airlift Operationalizing Constructive Simulations", Rob Barwell, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 STRATEGIC.pdf

121- "Studying Malware Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Cell-DEVS", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, 2020 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim), Fairfax, VA, USA - 2020 Studying_Malware_Propagation_in_Wireless_Sensor_Networks_with_Cell-DEVS.pdf
Publications in 2019
122- "50 Summers of Computer Simulation", Umut Durak, Andrea D’ambrogio, Andrea Tolk, Saikou Diallo, Gabriel A. Wainer, Summer of Simulation, page 1-24 - 2019

123- "A Cell-DEVS Model For Logistic Urban Growth", Bruno St-Aubin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Annual Simulation Symposium, Tucson, AZ - 2019 A Cell-DEVS Model for Logistic Urban Growth.pdf

124- "A Cell-DEVS Model For Logistic Urban Growth - Demo", Bruno St-Aubin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Demo Session. Spring Simulation Conference, Tucson AZ - 2019 A Cell-DEVS Model for Logistic Urban Growth - Demo Abstract(1).pdf

125- "An Architecture for Integrating BDI Agents with a Simulation Environment", Alan Davoust, Patrick Gavigan, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Guillermo Trabes, Babak Esfandiari, Gabriel A. Wainer, Jeremy James, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS), Montréal, QC - 2019 EMAS2019_paper_22_compressed.pdf

126- "An Introduction to Cellular Automata Models with Cell-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor. MD - 2019 TUTORIAL-WSC19.pdf

128- "Analytics And Visualization Of Spatial Models As A Service", Bruno St-Aubin, Eli Yammine, Majed Nayef, Gabriel A. Wainer, SummerSim-SCSC 2019, Berlin, Germany - 2019 Analytics and Visualization of Spatial Models as a Service.pdf

129- "Analyzing The Impact Of Quantum Size On The Accuracy And Performance Of Cell-DEVS Fire Models", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (SpringSim-TMS) , Tucson AZ - 2019 Analyzing The Impact Of Quantum Size On The Accuracy And Performance Of Cell-DEVS Fire Models.pdf

131- "Building DEVS Models with the Cadmium Tool", Damian Vicino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Laouen Belloli, Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor. MD - 2019 2019_wsc_Cadmium_Reviewed.pdf

132- "Cellular discrete-event models for social systems", Guillermo Trabes, Gabriel A. Wainer, Ifeoluwa Oyelowo, Michael Dang’ana, Proceedings of the 2019 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim ’19), page Article 38, 1–1, Society for Computer Simulation International, Berlin, Germany - 2019 SummerSim19GTrabesCameraReadyFV2.pdf

134- "CONTROL OF A QUADCOPTER APPLICATION WITH DEVS", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Laouen Belloli, Proceedings of Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (SpringSim-TMS), Tucson AZ - 2019 Spring_Sim_Robotics_CameraReady.pdf

136- "DASH-based device-to-device video streaming for cellular networks with high user density", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Bordeaux, France - 2019 08574197.pdf

137- "Defining DEVS models for biology pathways in e-coli cells", Laouen Belloli, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2019 thesis_Laouen Belloli_compressed.pdf

140- "Heterogeneous Crowd Simulation", Srivastav R. Janapalli, Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Annual Simulation Symposium (Spring-Sim ASS), Tucson AZ - 2019 Heterogenous_Crowd_Sim-min.pdf

141- "Investigation of Versatile Datatypes for Representing Time in Discrete Event Simulation", Damian Vicino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Guillermo Trabes, 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), page pp. 2701-2712, National Harbor, MD, USA, 2019 - 2019 WSC19Vicino.pdf

144- "O-TRAIN CONTROLLER USING DISCREET EVENT METHODOLOGY FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Gabriel A. Wainer, Vithika Joshi, Navneet Kaushal, 2019 SPRING SIMULATION Conference (demo Session), Tucson AZ - May 2019 148.pdf

145- "Optimized techniques for driving and control of the switched reluctance motor to improve efficiency", Márcio R. C. Reis, Wanderson R. H. Arajo, Viviane M. Gomes, Felippe dos Santos e Silva, Cleber Asmar Ganzaroli, Flavio Adalberto Gomes, Gabriel A. Wainer, Wesley P. Calixto, Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier., Volume 70, Number 90, page 1-19 - 2019 Optimized techniques for driv3.pdf

146- "Traffic Modeling and Simulation: a DEVS library", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SummerSim 2019, Berlin, Germany - 2019 trafficv4 (2).pdf
Publications in 2018

148- "A framework to study the resilience of organizations: a case study of a nuclear emergency plan", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, PhD thesis from Carleton University. In cotutelle with Universidad de Valladolid - 2018

149- "Advanced Cell-DEVS Modeling Applications: A Legacy of Norbert Giambiasi", Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, page 1-27 - 2018 Advanced Cell-DEVS modeling applications_ a legacy of Norbert Giambiasi.pdf

155- "Formal Abstract Modeling of Dynamic Multiplex Networks", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Adolfo López-Paredes, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS), page 61-72, Rome, Italy - 2018 Formal Abstract Modeling of Dynamic Multiplex Networks.pdf

160- "Modeling Oil Spill in Coastal Waters Using Cell-DEVS", Joseph Boi-Ukeme, Ngozi Silas Echegini, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Bordeaux, France. - 2018 Modeling Oil Spill in Coastal waters Using Cell_paper.pdf

161- "Observed Behaviours in Simulated Close-Range Pedestrian Dynamics", Omar Hesham, Princy, Walter Aburime, Ziyad Rabeh, Shashi Bhushan, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design (SimAUD), Delft, Netherlands - 2018 3289750.3289766_compressed.pdf

162- "Quality of Experience-AwareProgressive Video Caching and Adaptive Device-to-Device Video Streaming for Cellular Networks with High User Density", Ala'a Al-Habashna, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - 2018 al-habashna-qualityofexperienceawareprogressivevideocaching_compressed.pdf

163- "Relationship Between Risk and System Complexity from a Connection Based Metric Perspective", J. Braga de Paiva, Viviane M. Gomes, M. Reis, Gabriel A. Wainer, W. Calixto, IEEE 18th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Palermo, Italy - 2018 Relationship Between Risk and System Complexity from a Connection Based Metric Perspective.pdf

164- "Semi-Asynchronous Approximate Parallel DEVS Simulation of Web Search Engines", Gabriel A. Wainer, Mauricio Marin, Veronica Gil-Costa, Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience, Volume 30, Number 7 - April 2018 2018_-_Alonso_Inostrosa_Psijas_-_SemiasynchronousapproximateparallelDEVSsimulationo[retrieved_2018-11-24].pdf

165- "Using Cell-DEVS For Prototyping Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Simulation", Ifeoluwa Oyelowo, Bruno Artacho, Siu O’Young, Gabriel A. Wainer, SpringSim 2018 (TMS 18), Baltimore, MD - 2018 Using Cell-DEVS For Prototyping Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Simulation.pdf

166- "What We Know and Do Not Know About Organizational Resilience", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Adolfo López-Paredes, Gabriel A. Wainer, International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, Volume 6, Number 1, page 11-28 - 2018 7898-33822-3-PB.pdf
Publications in 2017
167- "A Cell-DEVS Model For Fracture Propagation In Rock", Gabriel A. Wainer, Scott Stewart, 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Las Vegas, NV - 2017 08247849.pdf

168- "An Abstract Discrete-Event Simulator Considering Input with Uncertainty", Damian Vicino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, Proceedings of the 2017 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Virginia Beach, VA - 2017 devs_with_uncertainty.pdf

169- "Analytical Method for Calculating the Sensitivity Index of System Parameters", Viviane M. Gomes, Alfredo O. Assis, Calebe A. Matias, Julyana P. Saraiva, Flávio A. Gomes, Gabriel A. Wainer, Beatriz S. Lima, Alana S. Magalhães, Wesley P. Calixto, Paulo H. R. Flores, Junio S. Bulhões, 2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), Pucon, Chile - Oct. 2017 08229723.pdf

170- "Context-Sensitive Personal Space for Dense Crowd Simulation", Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design, Toronto, Canada - 2017 DenseCrowds_camready.pdf

173- "Handover Enhancement for LTE and Beyond Heterogeneous Cellular Networks", Baha Uddin Kazi , Gabriel A. Wainer, 2017 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Seattle, WA - 2017 2017 Handover Enhancement for LTE and Beyond Heterogeneous Cellular Networks.pdf

175- "Improving Video Transmission in Cellular Network with Cached Segmented Video Download", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mobile Networks and Applications, Volume 23, Number 3, page 543 - 559 - Sept 2017 Al-Habashna-Wainer2018_Article_ImprovingVideoTransmissionInCe.pdf

176- "Integrated Cellular Framework for Modeling Ecosystems: Theory and Applications", Baha Uddin Kazi , Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 94, Number 3, page 213-233 - May 2017 0037549717706007.pdf

177- "MAMS: Mashup Architecture with Modeling and Simulation as a Service", Gabriel A. Wainer, Sixuan Wang, Journal of Computational Science, Volume 21, page 113-131 - July 2017 1-s2.0-S1877750317305975-main-min.pdf

179- "Modeling Coordinated Multipoint with a Dynamic Coordination Station in LTE-A Mobile Networks", Gabriel A. Wainer, Mohammad Etemad, Baha Uddin Kazi , 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), Calabria, Italy - 2017 08000194.pdf

180- "Multiscale Representation of Simulated Time", Rhys Goldstein, Azam Khan, Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 94, Number 6, page 519-558 - Sept 2017 0037549717726868.pdf

184- "The Case For DEVS In Networking M&S: Upload User Collaboration In Mobile Networks Using Coordinated Multipoint", Misagh Tavanpour, Jan Mikhail, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gary Boudreau, Proceedings of 2017 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Virginia Beach, VA - 2017 THE CASE FOR DEVS IN NETWORKING M&S: UPLOAD USER COLLABORATION IN MOBILE NETWORKS USING COORDINATED MULTIPOINT.pdf
Publications in 2016
185- "A Hybrid Approach to Study Communication in Emergency Plans", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Youssef Bouanan, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gregory Zacharewicz, Adolfo López-Paredes, Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C. - December 2016 2016 - A HYBRID APPROACH TO STUDY COMMUNICATION IN EMERGENCY PLANS (WSC2016) - ConferenceProceedings (1).pdf

186- "A kernel for embedded systems development and simulation using the boost library", Daniella Niyonkuru, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation - 2016 ECDBoost_TMSDEVS_CameraReady.pdf

187- "An advanced data type with irrational numbers to implement time in DEVS simulators", Damian Vicino, Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Pasadena, CA - 2016 irrational_time-final.pdf

189- "Building a controller for quadcopters using DEVSRT", Ali Salaheddin, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2016

190- "Cached and Segmented Video Download for Wireless Video Transmission", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gary Boudreau, Ronald Casselman, Proceedings of the 49th Annual Simulation Symposium, Number 15, page 15:1--15:8, Pasadena, California - April 2016 ANSS16 CVSD.pdf

192- "Centroidal Particles for Interactive Crowd Simulation", Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference , page 7:1--7:8, San Diego, CA, USA - July 2016 centroidalCrowds2016.pdf

193- "Crowd Modeling in the Sun Life Building", Michael Van Schyndel, Omar Hesham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Brandon Malleck, Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design, London, UK - May 2016 [CameraReady]SimAUD-SunLife-197.pdf

194- "DASH-based Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming in Cellular Networks", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Stenio Fernandes, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Montreal, Canada - 2016 Paper Dash D2D ieee format_ver6.pdf

195- "DEVS execution acceleration with machine learning", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, German J. Pliego, Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS/DEVS 2016, Pasadena, CA - 2016 DEVS Execution Acceleration with Machine Learning.pdf

196- "Discrete Modeling and Simulation [Guest editors' introduction]", Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, Jaroslaw Was, Gabriel A. Wainer, Computing in Science and Engineering, Volume 18, Number 4, page 8--10 - 2016 07499792_compressed.pdf

197- "Distributed Cached and Segmented Video Download for Video Transmission in Cellular Networks", Ala'a Al-Habashna, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gary Boudreau, Ronald Casselman, Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Montreal, Canada - 2016 2016_Ala_SPECTS_Montreal_Final_Paper.pdf

198- "Formal Verification of DEVS Simulation: Web Search Engine Model Case Study", Veronica Gil-Costa, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mauricio Marin, Proceedings of 2016 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC) - July 2016 3015574.3015592.pdf

199- "Improved Time Representation in Discrete-Event Simulation", Damian Vicino, PhD thesis from Carleton University - 2016 vicino-improvedtimerepresentationindiscreteevent_compressed.pdf

201- "Modeling and Simulation as a Service Architecture for Deploying Resources in the Cloud", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, Volume 7, Number 1 - March 2016 S1793962316410026.pdf

203- "Modelling and simulation of complex cellular models using Cell-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Joaquín Fernández, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 92, Number 2, page 101-115 - feb 2016 0037549715611485_compressed.pdf

204- "Organizational Resilience in Practice: the Viable System Model", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, José Pérez Ríos , Javier Pajares, Cesáreo Hernandez, Adolfo López-Paredes, Poster, Book of abstracts of The International Joint Conference - CIO-ICIEOM-IISE-AIM (IJC2016). San Sebastian, Spain - July 2016 Organizational Resilience in Practice the VSM-submitted.pdf

205- "Parsing and model generation for biological processes", Laouen Belloli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Rafael Josef Najmanovich, Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Pasadena, CA - 2016 parser-paper-lao.pdf

206- "Real-Time Simulation of DEVS Models in CD++", Gabriel A. Wainer, International Journal of Process Modeling and Simulation. Inderscience, Volume 11, Number 2, page 138-153 - 2016 IJSPM110206 WAINER.pdf

207- "Scheduling predictability in I-DEVS by schedulability analysis", Bráulio Adriano De Mello, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multiconference - TMS/DEVS Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, Pasadena, CA - 2016 SCHED.pdf

209- "Signaling Overhead and Feedback Delay Reduction in Heterogeneous Multicell Cooperative Networks", Baha Uddin Kazi , Mohammad Etemad, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gary Boudreau, Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Montreal, Canada - July 2016 07570507.pdf

212- "Using Elected Coordination Stations for CSI Feedback on CoMP Downlink Transmissions", Baha Uddin Kazi , Mohammad Etemad, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gary Boudreau, Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Montreal, Canada - 2016 CSIFeedbackSPECTS16.pdf
Publications in 2015
213- "A Mashup Architecture with Modeling and Simulation as a Service", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, 16th International Conference Web Information System Engineering, Miami, FL - 2015 MS mashup with MAMSaaS-refined-v1.pdf

214- "A Simulation As A Service Methodology with Application for Crowd Modeling, Simulation and Visualization", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 91, Number 1, page 71-95 - January 2015 SIMULATION-2015-Wang-71-95.pdf

216- "Applying Complex Network Theory to the Assessment of Organizational Resilience", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Adolfo López-Paredes, Gabriel A. Wainer, 15th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2015, Volume 48, Issue 3, page 1224--1229, Ottawa, ON - August 2015 Applying Complex Network Theory to the Assessment of Organizational Resilience.pdf

219- "Designing Biological Simulation Models Using Formalism-Based Functional and Spatial Decompositions", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, IEEE/AIP Computing in Science & Engineering, Volume 17, Number 6, page 72-82 - 2015 07310921-min.pdf

221- "DEVS Modelling and Simulation for Development of Embedded Systems", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference 2015, Huntington Beach, CA - Accepted 2015 tutorialWSC2015v2.pdf

222- "Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation for Embedded Systems", Daniella Niyonkuru, Gabriel A. Wainer, IEEE/IAP Computing in Science and Engineering, Volume 17, Number 5, page 52-63 - Sept 2015 07208764.pdf

223- "Distributed Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models Using RISE Middleware", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation, Practice and Experience, Elsevier, Volume 55, Number 6, page 27-45 - June 2015 1-s2.0-S1569190X15000519-main.pdf

224- "Editorial for Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), Volume 26, Number 1, page 1e-1--1e-3 - 2015 a1e-wainer.pdf

225- "Mobile Simulation: Bringing Simulations to Smartphones", Mohammad Etemad, Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mobile App competition paper. Spring Simulation Conference, Alexandria, VA - 2015 12.pdf

226- "Modeling the Communications in an Emergency Plan with P-DEVS", Cristina Ruiz-Martin, Gabriel A. Wainer, Adolfo López-Paredes, Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, page 3086--3087, Huntington Beach, California - December 2015 WSC_2015_Modelling_the_communications_in_an_emergency_plan_with_DEVS.pdf

227- "Semantic Selection for Model Composition using SAMSaaS", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2015 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS’15, Arlington, VA - 2015 15-TMS15-model selection-final.pdf

228- "Sequential PDEVS architecture", Damian Vicino, Daniella Niyonkuru, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, Proceedings of 2015 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS’15, Arlington, VA - 2015 SequentialPDEVSArchitecture.pdf

229- "The Cell-DEVS Formalism as a Method for Activity Tracking in Spatial Modeling and Simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, International Journal in Process Modeling and Simulation. Inderscience., Volume 10, Number 1, page 19-38 - January 2015 IJSPM100103 WAINER.pdf

230- "Towards a DEVS-based Operating System", Gabriel A. Wainer, Daniella Niyonkuru, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS), London, UK - 2015 p101-niyonkuru.pdf

231- "Using A Discrete-Event System Specifications (DEVS) for Designing a Modelica Compiler", Gabriel A. Wainer, Mariana D'Abreu, Advances in Engineering Software. Elsevier, Volume 79, Number 1, page 111-126 - Jan 2015 j4.pdf

232- "Using Discrete Event Cell-Based Multimodels for the Simulation of Evacuation Processes", Gabriel A. Wainer, In Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation - A Tribute to Tuncer Ören. L. Yilmaz Ed. Springer, page 175-196, Verlag - 2015 AgentsinCellularModelsforCrowdSimulationinEvacuationProcesses3_compressed.pdf

234- "Using Finite Forkable DEVS for Decision-Making Based on Time Measured with Uncertainty", Damian Vicino, Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS) Poster Session - London, UK 2015 ffdevs.pdf
Publications in 2014
235- "A data type for discretized time representation in DEVS", Damian Vicino, Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Lisbon, Portugal - 2014 p7.pdf

236- "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamic Solver Based on Cell-DEVS", Michael Van Schyndel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2014 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS 14), Tampa, FL - 2014 p10.pdf

237- "Cellular Modeling with Cell-DEVS: a Discrete-Event Cellular Automata formalism", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACRI 2014 (Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (Plenary Paper), Krakow, Poland - 2014 p5.pdf

238- "Computational Fluid Dynamic Cell-DEVS M&S of Coronary Heart Disease", Michael Van Schyndel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Azam Khan, Rhys Goldstein, Proceedings of Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2014, Monterey, CA - 2014 p6.pdf

239- "Computational Fluid Dynamic Solver based on Cellular Discrete-Event Simulation for use in Biological Systems", Michael Van Schyndel, Master thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, ETH Zürich, Switzerland - 2014 Michael.pdf

240- "DEVS modeling of large scale web search engines", Gabriel A. Wainer, Veronica Gil-Costa, Mauricio Marin, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference 2014, Savannah, GA - 2014 07020144.pdf

241- "Evaluating the impact of Software-Defined Networks Reactive Routing on BitTorrent performance", Damian Vicino, Chung-Horng Lung, Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, Proceedings of International Workshop on Software Defined Networks for a New Generation of Applications and Services, Niagara Falls, ON - 2014 p4.pdf

242- "Integrative Tools for Modeling, Simulation and Control of Data Networks", Rodrigo Castro, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - 2014

243- "On the Definition of a Computational Fluid Dynamic Solver using Cellular Discrete-Event Simulation", Michael Van Schyndel, Gabriel A. Wainer, Rhys Goldstein, J Mogk, Azam Khan, Journal of Computational Science. Elsevier, Volume 5, Number 6, page 882-890 - Accepted: May 2014 j5.pdf

244- "Semantic Mashups for Simulation as a Service with Tag Mining and Ontology Learning", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2014 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS 14), Tampa, FL - 2014 p9.pdf

245- "Shared Segmented Upload in Mobile Networks using Coordinated Multipoint", Misagh Tavanpour, Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Jan Mikhail, Gary Boudreau, Ronald Casselman, Proceedings of 2014 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems - 2014 p8.pdf

246- "Using the Coalition Battle Management Language Standard for Interacting with the RESTful Interoperability Simulation Environment", Elizabeth Hosang, Master thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - 2014 Elizabeth.pdf

Publications in 2013
248- "Application of the DEVS and Cell-DEVS formalisms for modeling networking applications", Gabriel A. Wainer, Misagh Tavanpour, E. Broutin, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), page 2923-2934, Washington, DC - 2013 p12-name change.pdf

249- "Cellular Simulation of Asymmetric Energy Requirements in Wireless Sensor Networks", Mohammad Moallemi, Mohamed El-shabani, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2013 SCS/ACM Summer Computer Simulation Conference - 2013 p6-MEW13.pdf

251- "DEVS-based Modeling of Coordinated Multipoint Techniques for LTE-Advanced", Misagh Tavanpour, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2013 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim13),CNS Symposium, San Diego, CA - 2013 p8-TW13.pdf

252- "Graphical modeling and simulation of discrete-event systems with CD++Builder", Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 89, Number 1, page 4-27 - jan 2013 j5-BWC13.pdf

253- "Hybrid Systems Modeling and Verification with DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2013 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS/DEVS 2013 - 2013 p10-SW13.pdf

254- "Large-scale investigation of oxygen response mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae", Bahram Samanfar, Katayoun Omidi, Mohsen Hooshyar, Ben Laliberte, MD Alamqir, Andrew J. Seal, Eman Ahmed-Muhsin, Duber Frey Viteri, Kamaleldin Said, Firoozeh Chalabian, Ardeshir Golshani, Gabriel A. Wainer, Daniel Burnside, Kristina Shostak, Maqdalena Bugno, William G. Willmore, Myron L. Smith, Ashkan Golshani, Molecular BioSystems, Volume 9, Number 6, page 1351-1359 - feb 2013 J2-GSO13.pdf

255- "Mobile Simulation with applications for Serious Gaming", Andrew Jeffery, Jonathon Panke, Nick Eacket, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2013 SCS/ACM Summer Computer Simulation Conference - 2013 p5-JPEW13.pdf

256- "Modeling and Simulation of Crowd using Cellular Discrete Event Systems Theory", Ronnie Farrell, Mohammad Moallemi, Sixuan Wang, Wang Xiang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS13), page 159-168, Montréal, QC - May 2013 p4-FMWXW13.pdf

257- "Modeling and simulation-driven development of embedded real-time systems", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation Modeling, Practice and Theory. Elsevier, Volume 38, page 115--131 - November 2013 J1-MW13.pdf

258- "Occupancy Analysis using Building Information Modeling and Cell-DEVS Simulation", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, V Subashini Rajus, Robert Woodbury, Proceedings of 2013 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS/DEVS’13, page 26, San Diego, CA - April 2013 p9-WWRW13.pdf

259- "Principles of Discrete Event System Specification model verification", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 89, Number 1, page 41-67 - jan 2013 j7-SW13.pdf

262- "RISE: A general simulation interoperability middleware container", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 73, Number 5, page 580-594 - may 2013 j3-RISE-13.pdf

263- "Simulation of Mobile Networks using Discrete Event System Specification Theory", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Shafagh Jafer, Gary Boudreau, Ronald Casselman, Proceedings of 2013 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim13),CNS Symposium, San Diego, CA - April 2013 p7-MWJBC13.pdf Simulation of Mobile Networks using discrete Event System Specification V5 MM Submitted.pdf

264- "Solutions for Scalability in Building Information Modeling and Simulation-Based Design", Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Rhys Goldstein, Azam Khan, Proceedings of the SCS/ACM Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, page 7, San Diego, CA - April 2013 p12-WWGK13.pdf

265- "Synchronization methods in parallel and distributed discrete-event simulation", Shafagh Jafer, Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation Modeling, Practice and Theory. Elsevier, Volume 30, page 54-73 - jan 2013 j4-JLW13.pdf

266- "The DEVS Formalism", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Azam Khan, IGI Global, page 62-102 - 2013 DEVSintro.pdf

267- "Thin Client Distributed Simulation Of Discrete Event Models", Colin Timmons, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of The International Workshop on Applied Modelling and Simulation (WAMS) - 2013 WAMS_Thin_Client_Distributed_Simulation_of_Discrete_Event_Models.pdf

268- "Thin Client Distributed Simulation of Discrete Event Models", Colin Timmons, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2013 Timmons.pdf

269- "Visualization in 3ds Max for Cell-DEVS Models Based on Building Information Modeling", Victor Freire, Sixuan Wang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS/ACM Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, page 9, San Diego, CA - April 2013 p11-FWW13.pdf
Publications in 2012
270- "Content-Based Image Recognition with Cellular Discrete-Event System Specifications", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2012 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim12), ANSS Symposium, Orlando, FL - March 2012 Content-Based Image Recognition with Cellular Discrete-Event System Specifications.pdf

271- "Data Mining with Cellular Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation", Shafagh Jafer, Yasser Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2012 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim12), ANSS Symposium, Orlando, FL - March 2012 Data Mining with Cellular Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation.pdf

272- "DEVS Graphs in Modelica for Real-Time Simulation", Alfonso Urquia, Carla Martin Villalba, Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, European Conference on Modeling and Simulation - 2012 p19-MUMW12.pdf

273- "DEVS Simulation of Peer-To-Peer File-Sharing", Alan Davoust, Gabriel A. Wainer, Babak Esfandiari, . Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012), Madrid, Spain, - 2012 p13-DWE12.pdf

275- "M&S-based design of embedded controllers on network processors", Rodrigo Castro, Ivan Ramello, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2012 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS/DEVS’12, page TBD, Orlando, FL - March 2012 p20-CRBW12.pdf

276- "Multicore Acceleration of DEVS Systems", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 88, Number 7, page 801--831 - Jul 2012 SIMULATION-2012-Liu-801-31.pdf

277- "Music Generation Using Cellular Models", Heather Morris, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2012 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim12), DEVS/TMS Symposium, page TBD, Orlando, FL - March 2012 p22-MW12.pdf

278- "On the verification of hybrid DEVS models", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2012 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim12), DEVS/TMS Symposium, Orlando, FL - March 2012 p21-SW12.pdf

279- "Panel on Grand Challenges for Modeling and Simulation", S Taylor, P Fishwick, Richard Fujimoto, A Uhrmacher, E Page, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, Berlin, Germany - 2012 p15-TFFUPW12.pdf

283- "Simulation Processes In The Cloud for Emergency Planning", Judicael Ribault, Gabriel A. Wainer, MSGC’12 Workshop. CCGRID 2012, Ottawa, ON - 2012 p18-RW12.pdf

285- "Using Workflows Of Web Services To Manage Simulation Studies Into The Cloud", Judicael Ribault, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2012 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim12), DEVS/TMS Symposium, Orlando, FL - March 2012 a50-ribault.pdf

286- "Verification methodology for DEVS models", Hesham Saadawi, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - Fall 2012 Saadawi.pdf
Publications in 2011
287- "A good year for Publications", Gabriel A. Wainer, Modeling and Simulation Magazine. Society for Modeling and Simulation International, page i--iii - April 2011 VPPublications(2).pdf

288- "A Performance Evaluation of the Conservative DEVS Protocol in Parallel Simulation of DEVS-based Models", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2011 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim11), DEVS Symposium, page 103--110, Boston, MA - April 2011 p26-JW11.pdf

290- "Cell-DEVS & 3D Real-Time Visual Simulation to Support Combat", Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Samy Mahmoud, Proceedings of 2011 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim11), SCSC Symposium, page 225--234 - July 2011 A 3D Real-time Visual Simulation in Support of Combat Final.pdf

291- "Component-Oriented Interoperation of Real-Time DEVS Engines", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Federico Bergero, Rodrigo Castro, Proceedings of 2011 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim11), ANSS Symposium, page 127--134, Boston, MA - April 2011 Collaboration of Real-Time DEVS Engines_Final.pdf

292- "Conservative Synchronization Methods for Parallel DEVS and Cell-DEVS", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2011 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, The Hague, Netherlands - 2011 summersim11.pdf

293- "DEMES: a Discrete-Event methodology for Modeling and simulation of Embedded Systems", Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Modeling and Simulation Magazine. Society for Modeling and Simulation International - April 2011 J15-WC11.pdf

297- "GATLAS: Google Earth Visualization For Atlas", Gabriel A. Wainer, K. Edwards, Proceedings of 2011 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim11), DEVS Symposium, page 213--220 - April 2011 p27-WE11.pdf

298- "I-DEVS: Imprecise Real-Time and Embedded DEVS Modeling", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2011 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim11), DEVS Symposium, page 95--102, Boston, MA - April 2011 M_M_RT_Imprecise_Final.pdf

299- "Impulse-Based Dynamic Simulation of Deformable Biological Structures", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Transactions on Computational Systems Biology, Springer-Verlag, Number 6575, page 39-60 - 2011 j9-GW11-2.pdf

300- "Interfacing DEVS and Visualization Models for Emergency Management", Mohammad Moallemi, Shafagh Jafer, Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2011 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim11), Work In Progress of the DEVS Symposium, page 111--116, Boston, MA - April 2011 FireFighter_DEVS11_Final.pdf

301- "Parallel Simulation Techniques for Large-Scale Discrete-Event Models", Shafagh Jafer, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - Sep 2011 Shafagh.pdf

304- "Studying Performance of DEVS Modeling and Simulation Environments using the DEVStone Benchmark", Gabriel A. Wainer, Ezequiel Glinsky, Marcelo Gutierrez-Alcaraz, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 87, Number 7, page 555--580 - July 2011 J8-WGG11.pdf

305- "V-CELL: a framework for interoperability of virtual reality and simulation models", Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - Nov 2011 Ahmed.pdf

306- "Visualizing Innovation: Modelling and Simulation in Support of Defence Innovation Networks", Erik Esselaar, Master thesis from Technology Innovation Management. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - 2011 erik.pdf
Publications in 2010
307- "A Formal Framework for Stochastic Discrete Event System Specification Modeling and Simulation", Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 86, Number 10, page 587--611 - 2010 j12-CKW10.pdf

308- "A Survey on the Application of the Cell-DEVS Formalism", Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Journal of Cellular Automata, Volume 5, Number 6, page 509-524 - 2010 J13-WC10.pdf

309- "Accelerating Large-scale DEVS-based Simulation on the Cell Processor ", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, Orlando, FL - April 2010 LW-10.pdf

310- "Accelerating the computation of parallel trajectories of gradient descent with the Cell-BE multiprocessor environment", Yuri Boiko, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 320--327 - July 2010 BoikoSCSC10.pdf

311- "Advanced IDE for Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems ", Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, Orlando, FL - April 2010 Paper_AdvancedIDEForDEVS.pdf

312- "Algorithms for Parallel Simulation of Large-Scale DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models", Qi Liu, PhD thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering Dep. Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6 - Sep 2010 Algorithms.pdf

313- "An environment for development graphical models using E-CD++", Matias Bonaventura, Master thesis from Computer Science. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2010

316- "Application of RT-DEVS in Military", Mohammad Moallemi, Dieynaba Alpha Tall, Gabriel A. Wainer, Antoine Awad, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), MMS Symposium, page 3--10, Orlando, FL - April 2010 M_M_Tank_Model.pdf

317- "Applying Cellular Automata and DEVS Methodologies to Digital Games: A Survey", Gabriel A. Wainer, Qi Liu, Olivier Dalle, Bernard P. Zeigler, Simulation and Gaming. Sage Publishers, Volume 41, Number 6, page 796-823 - dec 2010 j10-WLDZ10.pdf

318- "Applying the TPS method to Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems", Sanaa Lissari, Nada Farran, Hamel Yigang, Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium - 2010 Lissari-Farran-Yigang__2010-07-25.pdf

319- "Conservative DEVS - A Novel Protocol for Parallel Conservative Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models ", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, page 168--175, Orlando, FL - April 2010 65_PAPER_Final.pdf

320- "Conservative vs. Optimistic Parallel Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS: A Comparative Study", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 342--350 - July 2010 Shafagh_Final_summersim2010.pdf

321- "Creation of DEVS Models using Imitation Learning", Michael W. Floyd, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 334--341 - July 2010 Michael_Floyd.pdf

322- "Designing an Interface for Real-Time and Embedded DEVS", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, page 154--161, Orlando, FL - April 2010 M_M_Driver_Model.pdf

323- "Development Tools and Techniques for Mobile Telecommunications", Olivier Dalle, John R. Heath, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mobile Networks and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Volume 15, Number 6 - Dec 2010 Development_Tools_and_Techniqu.pdf

324- "DEVS modelling and simulation of the cellular metabolism by mitochondria", Gabriel A. Wainer, Roxana Djafarzadeh, Molecular Simulation, Taylor and Francis, Volume 36, Number 12, page 907-928 - oct 2010 J11-WD10.pdf

325- "DEVS-based Modeling of a Human Motion Data Synthesis System based on Motion Capture Data", Seyed Ali Etemad, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim10), SCSC Symposium, page 469--475 - July 2010 HMC.pdf

326- "Exploring Multi-Grained Parallelism in Compute-Intensive DEVS Simulations", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 24th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2010), Atlanta, GA - May 2010 PADS2010.pdf

327- "From DEVS to RTA-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Procedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications DS-RT 2010, , page TBD, Washington, DC - July 2010 05636855.pdf

328- "Global Lookahead Management (GLM) Protocol for Conservative DEVS Simulation", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Procedings of IEEE IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications DS-RT 2010, page 141-148, Washington DC - July 2010 Publication_2.pdf

329- "Improving the Performance of Neural Networks through Parallel Processing in the Cell Broadband Engine", Yuri Boiko, Master thesis from Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa ON, Canada. K1S 5B6 - 2010 FINAL_THESIS YURI_v21_compressed.pdf

330- "Integrating Building Information Modeling & Cell-DEVS Simulation", Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), SimAUD Symposium, page 45--52, Orlando, FL - April 2010 Integrating Building Information Modeling & Cell-DEVS Simulation.pdf

332- "Modeling and Controlling a Robotic Arm with E-CD++", Faezeh Rafsanjani Sadeghi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Mohammad Moallemi, Poster, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Poster session). - July 2010 RobotArm.pdf

333- "Novel Performance Optimization of Large-scale Discrete-event Simulation on the Cell Broadband Engine", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Ligang Lu, Michael Perrone, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010), Caen, France - Jun 2010 LiuWainerLuPerrone-HPCS2010-Camera-Ready.pdf

337- "Rational Time-Advance DEVS (RTA-DEVS) ", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), DEVS Symposium, page 199--206, Orlando, FL - April 2010 Rational Time Advance DEVSv11.pdf

338- "Recent Advances in Unified Modeling and Simulation Approaches", Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 86, Number 1 & 3 - Jan 2010 0037549709355908.pdf

340- "Simulation of Three Dimensional Elevator System Using Cell-DEVS Formalism", Mohammad Moallemi, Ali Arya, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), ANSS Symposium, page 11--18, Orlando, FL - 2010 3D_Elevator_Model.pdf

341- "Software Tools, Techniques, and Architectures for Computer Simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, Olivier Dalle, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 86, Number 5 & 6 - May 2010 0037549710369877.pdf

344- "UAV Search Strategies Using Cell-DEVS", Keith Holman, Jeremy Kuzub, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2010 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim10), ANSS Symposium, page 192--199, Orlando, FL - April 2010 6_Final_Manuscript.pdf
Publications in 2009
345- "A DEVS-based End-to-end Methodology for Hybrid Control of Embedded Networking Systems", Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Proceedings of ADHS09: 3rd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, Zaragoza, Spain - 2009 ADHS09_DEVS-Admission-Control_Final.pdf

346- "A Performance Evaluation of the Lightweight Time Warp Protocol in Optimistic Parallel Simulation of DEVS-based Environmental Models", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS), Lake Placid, New York, USA - June 2009 LW2009.pdf

348- "A System-On-Chip FPGA Implementation of Embedded CD++", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Springsim 2009, San Diego, CA, USA - March 2009 M_M_FPGA_Paper.pdf

349- "Aircraft Evacuation DEVS Implementation & Visualization", Patrick Castonguay, Gabriel A. Wainer, Springsim 2009 (DEVS Symposium), San Diego, CA. USA - 2009 Aircraft Evac _DEVS 2009.pdf

350- "Cable-Anchor Robot Implementation using Embedded CD++", Keith Holman, Jeremy Kuzub, Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, SIMUTools Conferenc Poster Session Proceedings - March 2009 RTDEVSCableStayRobotMindstorms_posterpaper_final.pdf

351- "CD++ Repository: An Internet Based Searchable Database of DEVS Models and Their Experimental Frames", Rachid Chreyh, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SCS/ACM Springsim 2009 (DEVS Symposium). , San Diego, CA - March 2009 cd++Repository.pdf

353- "Definition of an environment for model-based development based on experimental framework methodologies", Rachid Chreyh, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2009 RachidChreyh.pdf

354- "Development Tools and Techniques for Mobile Telecommunications", Olivier Dalle, John R. Heath, Gabriel A. Wainer, Eds. Special Issue for Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Springer Netherlands - 2009

356- "DEVS-Based Dynamic Simulation of Deformable Biological Structures", Rhys Goldstein, Master thesis from Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1S 5B6 - Sep 2009 Goldstein__MASc_Thesis.pdf

358- "Flattened Conservatie Parallel Simulator for DEVS and Cell-DEVS", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada - 2009 CSE09_Final.pdf

359- "Hybrid control of network embedded controllers based on DEVS (in Spanish)", Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of XIII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC’2009). , Rosario, Argentina - 2009

360- "Hybrid Modeling of Opto-Electrical Interfaces Using DEVS and Modelica", Victorino Sanz, Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gabriela Nicolescu, Alfonso Urquia, Sebastian Dormido, Springsim 2009 conference proceeding (DEVS Symposium), San Diego, CA, USA - Mar 2009 09SPRING-DEVS-05.pdf

361- "Implementing parallel and distributed DEVS and Cell-DEVS simulation in a windows platform", Bo Feng, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2009 BoFeng.pdf

362- "Modeling a neural decoder based on spiking neurons in DEVS", Yuri Boiko, Gabriel A. Wainer, Springsim 2009 (DEVS Symposium), San Diego, CA. USA. - 2009 Neural decoder minus SNTDEVS09.pdf

368- "Simulation of a Presynaptic Nerve Terminal with a Tethered Particle System Model", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Minneapolis, MN - 2009 Goldstein__PNT__2009-06-18_EMBC.pdf

369- "Simulation of Deformable Biological Structures with a Tethered Particle System Model", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (CMBEC), Calgary, AB - May 2009 Goldstein__TPS__2009-03-17_CMBEC.pdf

370- "Simulation of Large Wireless Sensor Networks using Cell-DEVS", Blerim Qela, Gabriel A. Wainer, Houssein Mouftah, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, TX - 2009 qelab82820v4.pdf

371- "Tools for DEVS Modeling, Simulation and 3D Visualization", Patrick Castonguay, Tania Pendergast, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Proceedings Of SIMUTools Conference - 2009 a34-castonguay.pdf

372- "Tools for Graphical Specification and Visualization of DEVS Models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Qi Liu, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 85, Number 3, page 131-158 - Mar. 2009 131.pdf

373- "Using REST Web-Services Architecture for Distributed Simulation", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, 23rd Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, page TBD, Lake Placid, NY - 2009 3713a114.pdf

374- "Verification of Real-Time DEVS Models", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Springsim 2009 conference proceeding, P.O. Box 17900 San Diego, CA 92177-7900 - March 2009 Elevator verification_v7_DEVS09 Format.pdf
Publications in 2008
375- "A .NET Remoting-Based Distributed Simulation Approach for DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models", Bo Feng, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2008 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, page 292-299, Vancouver, BC - 2008 DEVSNet.pdf

376- "A formal framework for stochastic DEVS modeling and simulation", Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of high performance computing symposium (HPCS), page 421-428, Ottawa, ON. - February 2008 HPCS2008_STDEVS_Final.pdf

377- "Advanced Parallel/Distributed Simulation Benchmark for Cellular Models", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, , AI/ GI/ CRV/ IS Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. - may 2008 ShafaghJafer_PrecarnPoster_Abstract_2008.pdf

378- "CD++Modeler: a graphical viewer for DEVS models", Chiril Chidisiuc, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - 2008 Poster08-CD++Modeler.pdf

379- "Definition of Dynamic DEVS Models- Dynamic Structure CD++", Monageng Kgwadi, Hui Shang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - 2008 a10-kgwadi.pdf

380- "Design of Persian Tapestry in CD++", Mohammad Moallemi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - March 2008 Mohammad_Persian_Tapestry_Paper.pdf

381- "Distributed Simulation and Web Map Mash-Up for Forest Fire Spread", Yosri Harzallah, Vincent Michel, Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Congress on Services - Part I, page 176-183, Honolulu, HI - July 2008 WS08.pdf

382- "Distributed simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS models in CD++ using Web-Services", Gabriel A. Wainer, Rami Madhoun, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, Volume 16, Number 9, page 1266--1292 - October 2008 SIMPRA-DCD++_ver6.pdf

383- "Dynamic Structure DEVS: Improving the Real-Time Embedded Systems Simulation and Design", Hui Shang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the IEEE 40th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS), Ottawa, ON, Canada - 2008 springsim_submit.pdf

384- "ECD++ A DEVS based Real-Time Simulator for Embedded Systems", Mohammad Moallemi, Marcelo Gutierrez-Alcaraz, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - March 2008 Mohammad_ECD++_Paper.pdf

385- "Event Behavior of Discrete Event Simulations in CD++ Vs NS-2", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Juan-Carlos Maureira Bravo, Olivier Dalle, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - mar 2008 FinalPaper_ACM.pdf

386- "Experiences with the DEVStone benchmark", Marcelo Gutierrez-Alcaraz, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SCS High Performance Computing and Simulation Symposium (HPCS), Ottawa, Canada - 2008 HPCS08-DEVStone.pdf

388- "Implementing the SCIDDICA Landslide Model in Cell-DEVS", Brian Webb, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - 2008 a15-webb.pdf

389- "Interfacing and Coordination for a DEVS Simulation Protocol Standard", Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2008 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, Vancouver, BC - 2008 Al-Zoubi_Wainer_DEVSProtocolv3.pdf

390- "Lightweight Time Warp A Novel Protocol for Parallel Optimistic Simulation of Large-Scale DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), page 131-138, Vancouver, BC, Canada. - October 2008 DS-RT_Liu_Wainer08.pdf

391- "Modeling quantum dot devices in Cell-DEVS environment", Yuri Boiko, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - 2008 a18-boiko.pdf

392- "Modeling Spiking Neural Terminals in DEVS", Yuri Boiko, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, ON. - 2008 a19-boiko.pdf

393- "Modelling Tumor-Immune Systems with Cell-DEVS", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS), Nicosia, Cyprus - June 2008 Goldstein__Tumor-Immune_Cell-DEVS.pdf

394- "Parallel Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models on Windows-based PC Cluster Systems", Bo Feng, Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2008 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim), page 439-446, Ottawa, Canada - April 2008 DEVSWin.pdf

395- "Performance Analysis of Web-based Distributed Simulation in DCD++: A Case Study across the Atlantic Ocean", Gabriel A. Wainer, Qi Liu, Julien Chazal, Loã Quinet, Mamadou K. Traorã, Proceedings of the 2008 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim), page 413-420, Ottawa, Canada - April 2008 HPCS08_25_DCD++.pdf

398- "Vesicle-Synapsin Interactions Modeled with Cell-DEVS", Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer, James J. Cheetham, Roderick S. Bain, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Miami, FL, USA - Dec 2008 Goldstein__Vesicle-Synapsin_Cell-DEVS.pdf
Publications in 2007
399- "A Busy Day at the SAT Building", Emil Poliakov, Gabriel A. Wainer, James Hayes, Michael Jemtrud, Proceedings of AIS, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2007 AIS07-SAT.pdf

400- "A Flexible Dynamic Structure DEVS Algorithm towards Real-Time Systems", Hui Shang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2007 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, page 339-345, San Diego, CA - 2007 SCSC07Hui.pdf

401- "Advanced DEVS models with application to biology and medicine", Gabriel A. Wainer, Shafagh Jafer, Banan Al-Aubidy, Alexander Dias, Roderick S. Bain, Michel Dumontier, James J. Cheetham, AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems (AIS 2007), Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2007 FinalPaper.pdf

402- "Advances in DEVS Modeling and Simulation Methodologies", Gabriel A. Wainer, Rodrigo Castro, Ernesto Kofman, Plenary Paper - Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Conference, Prague, Czech Republic - 2007 Final-ECMSv4.pdf

403- "An Eclipse-based environment for RT DEVS", Marcelo Gutierrez-Alcaraz, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2007 GutierrezAlcaraz.pdf

404- "An Environment for Advanced Parallel Simulation of Cellular Models", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Unconventional Computation, page 53--74, Kingston, Canada - aug 2007 Final Submission_An Environment for Advanced Parallel Simulation of Cellular Models.pdf

405- "An Open Issue on Applying Sharing Modeling Patterns in DEVS", Olivier Dalle, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2007 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA - 2007 36_SCSC_Paper.pdf

407- "Cell-based representation and analysis of spatial resources in construction simulation", Cheng Zhang, Tarek M. Zayed, Amin Hammad, Gabriel A. Wainer, Journal of Automation in Construction, Elsevier, Volume 16, Number 4, page 436--448 - July 2007 ConstructionSdarticle.pdf

409- "Designing extensions for the use of CD++ to build embedded discrete-event systems", Henry Yu, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2007 HenryYu.pdf

410- "Developing a software tool for Urban traffic Modeling", Gabriel A. Wainer, Software, Practice and Experience, Volume 37, Number 13, page 1377--1404 - 2007 spe809.pdf

411- "DEVS modeling of mobile wireless ad hoc networks", Umar Farooq, Gabriel A. Wainer, Bengu Balya, Simulation Modeling, Practice and Theory. Elsevier. , Volume 15, Number 3, page 285--314 - March 2007 sdarticle.pdf

412- "eCD++: an engine for executing DEVS models in embedded platforms", Henry Yu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2007 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA - 2007 SCSC07eCD++.pdf

413- "Including dynamic DEVS models in the Embedded CD++ platform", Hui Shang, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2007 HuiShang.pdf

414- "Intelligent Computational Simulation Methods for Biomedical Applications", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Intelligent Computational Simulation Methods for Biomedical Applications, Precarn AI/ GI/ CRV/ IS Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada. - may 2007 ShafaghJafer_PrecarnPoster_Abstract2007.pdf

415- "Modeling advanced cellular models with Parallel Cell-DEVS", Shafagh Jafer, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2007 SJafer.pdf

416- "Modeling Physical Systems Using Finite Element Cell-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 15, Number 10, page 1268--1291 - November 2007 FEM-SIMPAT.pdf

417- "On the Creation of Distributed Simulation Web-Service-Based Distributed CD++", Rami Madhoun, Bo Feng, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of AIS, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2007 AIS07-WS_CD.pdf

418- "Parallel Algorithms for Cellular Models Simulation", Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel A. Wainer, Parallel Processing Letters, Volume 17, Number 3, page 263--286 - September 2007 PPL_Journal_revised.pdf

419- "Parallel Environment for DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 83, Number 6, page 449-471 - June 2007 449.pdf

420- "Performance Analysis of an Optimistic Simulator for CD++", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the IEEE 40th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS), page 123-132 - March 2007 LW07.pdf

422- "Studying the Impact of Web-Services Implementation of Distributed Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models", Rami Madhoun, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the spring simulation multiconference, Volume 2, page 267--278, Norfolk, Virginia - 2007 DCD++.pdf

423- "Towards the High-Level Design of Optical Networks-on-Chip. Formalization of Opto-Electrical Interfaces", M. Biere, Luiza Gheorghe, Ian O'Connor, Gabriel A. Wainer, Gabriela Nicolescu, Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, page 11--14, Marrakesh, Morocco - December 2007 04511021.pdf
Publications in 2006
424- "A Bond-Graph mapping mechanism for M/CD++", Mariana D'Abreu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada - 2006 SCSC06-MCDBG.pdf

425- "A Simulation Algorithm for Dynamic Structure DEVS Modeling", Hui Shang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), Monterey, CA - 2006 WSC_hui2006.pdf

426- "A web-based interface for the CD++ modeler toolkit", Juan Cidre. Licenciado, Master thesis from Computer Science, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2006

427- "Advanced Parallel simulation techniques for Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Ezequiel Glinsky, EUROSIM Simulation News Europe. Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, Volume 16, Number 2, page 25--36 - 2006 sne_16_2_paper_p25_p36_parallel_devs_cell_devs_models.pdf

428- "An experiment on the interoperability of DEVS implementations", Stephen Lombardi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Bernard P. Zeigler, Proceedings of SISO Fall Interoperability Workshop, Huntsville, AL. U.S.A - 2006 SIW06-Interop.pdf

429- "Applying Cell-DEVS Methodology for Modeling the Environment", Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 82, Number 10, page 635-660 - October 2006 Environment635.pdf

431- "ATLAS: a specification language for traffic modelling and simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, Simulation Modeling, Practice and Theory. Elsevier., Volume 14, Number 3, page 317--337 - April 2006 ATLASsimpra.pdf

433- "Cell-DEVS Modeling of Environmental Applications", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Summit on Environmental Modeling and Software, IEMSS 2006, Burlington, Vermont, USA - July 2006 VermontCellDEVS.pdf

434- "Creating Advanced Fire-Spreading models using the CD++ toolkit", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Summit on Environmental Modeling and Software, IEMSS 2006, Burlington, Vermont - 2006 VermontFireFull.pdf

435- "DEVSView: A tool for visualizing CD++ simulation models", Wilson Venhola, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SpringSim 2006 (DEVS Symposium), Huntsville, AL. USA. - 2006 DEVSView.pdf

436- "Distributed Optimistic Simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models with PCD++", Qi Liu, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2006 Liu06.pdf

437- "Experimental results on the implementation of Modelica using DEVS modeling and simulation", Mariana D'Abreu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SpringSim 2006 (DEVS Symposium), Huntsville, AL. USA - 2006 DEVSmcd++ERRORv4.pdf

438- "Improved Cell-DEVS Models for Fire Spreading Analysis", Matthew MacLeod, Rachid Chreyh, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACRI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4173, page 472-481, Perpignan, France - September 2006 ACRI06-Fire.pdf

439- "Modeling Robot Path Planning with CD++", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACRI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4173, Perpignan, France - 2006 ACRI06-robots.pdf

440- "New Parallel simulation techniques of DEVS and Cell-DEVS in CD++", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Huntsville, AL. - 2006 anss06_wainer_g.pdf sne_16_2_paper_p25_p36_parallel_devs_cell_devs_models.pdf

441- "Random Numbers Generation with 2D Cell-DEVS", Abdulelah Al Sanad, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2006 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada - 2006

442- "Simulation of the re-decking of Jacques Cartier Bridge considering spatial constraints", Cheng Zhang, Amin Hammad, Tarek M. Zayed, Gabriel A. Wainer, Preceedings of the 7th International conference on short and medium span bridges, Montreal, QC, Canada - 2006 632124822.pdf

443- "Vesicle, Synapsin And Actin Concentration Time Series Modelling At The Presynaptic Nerve Terminal", Roderick S. Bain, Shafagh Jafer, Michel Dumontier, James J. Cheetham, Gabriel A. Wainer, Poster, Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology Symposium, Progress in Systems Biology, Ottawa. - October 2006

444- "Web-Services definition of Discrete-Event simulation services", Rami Madhoun, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2006 RamiMadhoun.pdf
Publications in 2005
445- "A model of virus spreading using Cell-DEVS", Hui Shang, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Volume 3515, Atlanta, GA - 2005 ICCS05-virus.pdf

447- "Advanced Visualization of DEVS and Cell-DEVS Models in CD++/Maya", Ayesha Khan, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SISO Fall Interoperability Workshop, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2005 SIW-MAYA.pdf

448- "Cell-DEVS/GDEVS for Complex Continuous Systems", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 81, Number 2, page 137--151 - February 2005 SIM81-2_052233_Wainer.pdf SimulationHeart.pdf

449- "Creating Spatially-Shaped Defense Models Using DEVS and Cell-DEVS", Rami Madhoun, Gabriel A. Wainer, SCS Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, Volume 2, Number 3, page 121--143 - July 2005 JDMS-vol-2-no-3-Jul-05-WAINER-121-143.pdf

450- "Definition of Cell-DEVS Models for Complex Diffusion Systems", Wei Ding, Changshuang Lin, Laurentiu Chechiu, X. Wu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2005 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Philadelphia, PA - 2005 SCSC05-DLA.pdf

451- "Design and Implementation of a Library of Network Protocols in CD++", Mohamed Abd El-Salam Ahmed, Khalil Yonis, Abdul-Rahman Elshafei, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 38th annual Symposium on Simulation, page 196--203, San Diego, CA. USA - 2005 ANSS05-Netw.pdf

452- "DEVS for mixed-signal Modeling based on VHDL", Shaylesh Mehta, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2005 DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, Spring Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2005 DEVS-VHDL.pdf

453- "DEVS Modeling and Simulation of the Cellular Metabolism by Mitochondria", Roxana Djafarzadeh, Gabriel A. Wainer, Tofy Mussivand, Proceedings of the DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, Spring Simulation Conference, page 55--62, San Diego, CA, USA - 2005 DEVS-Mito.pdf

454- "DEVSTONE: a Benchmarking Technique for Studying Performance of DEVS Modeling and Simulation Environments", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Procedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications DS-RT, Montreal, QC - 2005 DSRT-DEVStone.pdf

455- "DEVSView: A tool for visualizing CD++ simulation models", Wilson Venhola, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2005 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Student Workshop), Philadelphia, PA - 2005 SCSC05-DEVSView.pdf

456- "Experimental results on the use of Modelica/CD++", Laurentiu Chechiu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2005 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Student Workshop), Philadelphia, PA - 2005 SCSC05Modelica.pdf

458- "Modeling Space-Shaped Defense Applications with Cell-DEVS", Rami Madhoun, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SISO Fall Interoperability Workshop, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2005 SIW-05s-Battle.pdf

459- "On the use of CD++/Maya for visualization of discrete-event models", Ayesha Khan, Wilson Venhola, Gabriel A. Wainer, Michael Jemtrud, Proceedings of IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, France - 2005 imacs2005.pdf

461- "Simulating Market Dynamics with CD++", Qi Liu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). Lecture Notes in Computer Science., Volume 3515/2005, page 368-372, Atlanta, GA - May 2005 lw05.pdf

462- "Specification of Discrete Event Models for Fire Spreading", Alexandre Muzy, Eric Innocenti, Antoine Aiello, Jean-Franãçois Santucci, Gabriel A. Wainer, SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, Volume 81, Number 2, page 103--117 - Feb 2005 SimulationFire.pdf

463- "Towards the Verification and Validation of DEVS Models", Yvan Labiche, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 1st Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, Clermont-Ferrand, France - 2005 Clermont05DEVS_V&V.pdf
Publications in 2004
464- "A DEVS Library for Layered Queuing Networks", Dorin Petriu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS 1st Mediterranean Multiconference on Modeling and Simulation, Genoa, Italy - 2004 I3M-LQN.pdf

465- "Accurate Modeling and Simulation of Heart Tissue Using GDEVS/CELL-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - 2004 MSV04.pdf

466- "Analysis of quantized continuous Cell-DEVS", Leandro de San Miguel, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2004 LeandroSanMiguel.pdf

467- "Applying Cell-DEVS in 3D Free-Form Shape Modeling", Pengfei Wu, X. Wu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACRI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3305 , Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2004 ACRI04-3Dff.pdf

468- "Defining and visualizing models of urban traffic", Gabriel A. Wainer, Shannon Borho, Jan Pittner, Proceedings of the SCS 1st Mediterranean Multiconference on Modeling and Simulation, Genoa, Italy - 2004 I3M-Traffic.pdf

469- "HLA to simulate computer systems at the hardware platform level", Trevor Pearce, Amir Saghir, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SISO Fall Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2004 SIW04-HW.pdf

470- "Improved Cell-DEVS model definition in CD++", Alejandro Lopez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of ACRI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3305, Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2004 ACRI-CD++.pdf

471- "Integrating Time-Warp and Parallel DEVS simulation algorithms for improved performance of Parallel Cell-DEVS", Ezequiel Glinsky, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2004 eglinsky04.pdf

472- "Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems with RT-CD++", Gabriel A. Wainer, Ezequiel Glinsky, Proceedings of the WIP session, IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Toronto, ON. Canada - 2004 RTAS04.pdf

473- "Modeling and simulation of complex systems with Cell-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA - 2004 TutorialWSC04.pdf

474- "Modeling and simulation of hardware/software systems with CD++", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC - 2004 WSC04-RT.pdf

475- "Modeling Complex Physical Systems Using 2D Finite Element Cell-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference 2004, Arlington, VA - 2004 MGA04FEM.pdf

476- "Modeling Computer Hardware Platforms using DEVS and HLA simulation", Amir Saghir, Trevor Pearce, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2004 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Jose, CA - 2004 SCSC04-HW.pdf

477- "Modeling hybrid systems using the DEVS formalism", Mariana D'Abreu, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2004 tesis_mcd++.pdf

478- "Modeling routing in wireless ad-hoc networks using Cell-DEVS", Bengu Balya, Umar Farooq, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 2004 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), San Jose, CA - 2004 SPECTS04.pdf

479- "Modeling State-Based DEVS Models in CD++", Gaston Christen, Alejandro Dobniewski, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of MGA, Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC04), Arlington, VA. U.S.A - 2004 MGA04DEVSGraphs.pdf

480- "Modeling the behavior of human mitochondria, a web-based environment", Roxana Djafarzadeh, Master thesis from University of Ottawa. Biomedical Engineering (OCIECE) - 2004 RoxanaDjafarzadeh.pdf

481- "On the Construction of Complex Models Using Reusable Components", Peter MacSween, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SISO Spring Interoperability Workshop, Arlington, VA. U.S.A - 2004 SISO04.pdf

482- "Performance Analysis of Continuous Cell-DEVS Models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPC&S) Conference; 18th European Simulation Multiconference, Magdeburg, Germany - 2004 ESM04.pdf

483- "Using Cell-DEVS for modeling complex cell spaces", Javier Ameghino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of AIS’2004 Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3397, Jeju Island, Korea - 2004 AIS04.pdf
Publications in 2003
484- "A facility for remote execution and visualization of Cell-DEVS models", Wenhong Chen, Master thesis from Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University - 2003 WenhongChen.pdf

485- "A framework for remote execution and visualization of Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Wenhong Chen, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 79, Number 11, page 626--647 - November 2003 Simulation04.pdf

486- "An specification language for DEVS modeling (in Spanish)", Gaston Christen, Alejandro Dobniewski, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2003 ChristenDobniewskiSpanish.pdf

487- "Applying Cell-DEVS in models of complex systems", Javier Ameghino, Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Student Workshop), Montreal, QC. Canada - 2003 SCSC03CellDEVS.pdf

488- "Extending CD++ Specification Language for Cell-DEVS Model Definition", Alejandro Lopez, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires - 2003 TLopez.pdf

489- "Fault-tolerant Real-time scheduling techniques in an open-source Operating System", Jose Luis Dominguez, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2003

490- "Fault-tolerant Real-time scheduling techniques in an open-source Operating System", Gustavo Fossatti, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2003

491- "Hardware In The Loop Simulation Using Real-Time CD++", Lidan Li, Gabriel A. Wainer, Trevor Pearce, Proceedings of the Industrial Simulation Symposium, Valencia, Spain - October 2003 ISC03RTDEVS.pdf

492- "Implementing finite state machines using the CD++ toolkit", Tao Zheng, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2005 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Student Workshop), Montreal, QC. Canada - 2003 SCSC03FSM.pdf

493- "Implementing Parallel Cell-DEVS", Alejandro Troccoli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 36th IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2003 ANSS03PDEVS.pdf

494- "Improving the Finite Element Method models using Cell-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Montreal, QC. Canada. - 2003 SCSC03-FEM.pdf

495- "Improving the Finite Elements Methods using Cell-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2003 H_Saadawi_PhD_Thesis v .10_compressed.pdf

497- "Modeling a sand pile application using Cell-DEVS", Hesham Saadawi, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Student Workshop), Montreal, QC. Canada. - 2003 SCSC03SandPile.pdf

498- "Modeling of maze-solving problems using Cell-DEVS", Kevin Lam, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2003 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Montreal, QC. Canada - 2003 SCSC03Maze.pdf

499- "Models for continuous and hybrid system simulation", Mariana D'Abreu, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, LA. U.S.A - 2003 WSC03.pdf

500- "Models of complex systems using Cell-DEVS (in Spanish)", Javier Ameghino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 33rd Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2003

501- "Remote execution and 3D visualization of Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Wenhong Chen, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conferenc, Montreal, QC. Canada - 2003 SCSC03VRML.pdf
Publications in 2002
502- "A flow injection model using Cell-DEVS", Alejandro Troccoli, Javier Ameghino, Fernando Iñón, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 ANSS02FIA.PDF

503- "Automatic verification of DEVS models", Liliana Morihama, Viviana Pasuello, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SISO Spring Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2002 SISO02.PDF

504- "CD++: a toolkit to define discrete-event models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Software, Practice and Experience. Wiley, Volume 32, Number 3, page 1261--1306 - November 2002 spe482.pdf

506- "Comparing simulation methods for fire spreading across a fuel bed", Alexandre Muzy, Gabriel A. Wainer, Eric Innocenti, Antoine Aiello, Jean-Franãçois Santucci, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Lisbon, Portugal - 2002 AIS02Fire.PDF

507- "Computer system modeling at the hardware level", Amir Saghir, Master thesis from Carleton University, Systems and Computer Engineering - 2002 AmirSaghir.pdf

508- "Definition of Real-Time simulation in the CD++ toolkit", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 2002 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. , San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 SCSC02RTDEVS.PDF

509- "N-dimensional Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Discrete Events Systems: Theory and Applications, Kluwer, Volume 12, Number 1, page 135--157 - January 2002 ncd.pdf

510- "Performance analysis of DEVS environments", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Lisbon, Portugal - 2002 AIS02PerfDEVS.PDF

511- "Performance Analysis of Real-Time DEVS models", Ezequiel Glinsky, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 WSC02RTDEVS.pdf

512- "Real-time simulation of DEVS models", Ezequiel Glinsky, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2002 EGlinsky.pdf

513- "Using the CD++ DEVS Tookit to Develop Petri Nets", Christian Jacques, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA. U.S.A - 2002 SCSC02PN.PDF
Publications in 2001
514- "A graphical tool to define DEVS models", X. Wu, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2001

515- "Application of the ATLAS language in models of urban traffic", Andrea Dã­az, Verãnica Vazquez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 34th IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Seattle, WA. U.S.A - 2001 ASS01ATLAS.PDF

517- "Compiling traffic models using TSC", Mariana Lo Tãirtaro, Cãesar Torres, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SCS European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, France - 2001 ESS01TSC.pdf

518- "Conservative parallel discrete-event simulation in Warped (in Spanish)", Edgardo Szulsztein, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2001 ESulszteinSpanish.pdf

519- "Defining Congestion Control Mechanisms in ATLAS", Andrea Dã­az, Verãnica Vazquez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2001 SCSC01-CONG.pdf

520- "Defining DEVS models with the CD++ toolkit", Gaston Christen, Alejandro Dobniewski, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of SCS European Simulation Symposium, Marseille, France - 2001 ESS01Tool.PDF

521- "Defining graphical output behavior in a DEVS modeling environment", Ying Wang, Master thesis from Carleton University - 2001

522- "Defining Models of Urban Traffic Using the TSC Tool", Mariana Lo Tãirtaro, Cãesar Torres, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, VA. USA - 2001 WSC01TSC.PDF

523- "Execution of Cell-DEVS models in a parallel environment", Alejandro Troccoli, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2001 Troccoli.pdf

524- "Experiences in modeling and simulation of computer architectures using DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Sergio Daicz, Alejandro Troccoli, Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Volume 18, Number 4, page 179-202 - December 2001 ALFA1.PDF

525- "Experiences with DEVS modeling and simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, Journal on Modeling and Simulation, Volume 21, Number 2, page 138--147 - March 2001 Experiences with Devs Modelling and Simulation_compressed.pdf

526- "Extending RT-MINIX with Fault Tolerance Capabilities", Pablo Rogina, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Latin-American Conference on Informatics (CLEI), Merida, Venezuela - 2001 Ft-minix.pdf

527- "Models of Complex Physical Systems Using Cell-DEVS", Javier Ameghino, Alejandro Troccoli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 34th IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Seattle, WA. U.S.A - 2001 ASS01Complex.PDF

528- "Performance Analysis of Cellular Models with Parallel Cell-DEVS", Alejandro Troccoli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL. U.S.A - 2001 SCSC01PDEVS.PDF

529- "Timed Cell-DEVS: modelling and simulation of cell spaces", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, H. Sarjoughian, F. Cellier Eds., Springer-Verlag - 2001 timcd.PDF

530- "Using the ALFA-1 simulated processor for educational purposes", Gabriel A. Wainer, Sergio Daicz, Luis F. De Simoni, Demian Wassermann, ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing, Volume 1, Number 4, page 111--151 - December 2001 Alfa1-JERIC.pdf

531- "Vehicle Routing in Cell-DEVS Models of Urban Traffic", Andrea Dã­az, Verãnica Vazquez, Gabriel A. Wainer, 13th European Simulation Symposium , page 657--661, Marseille, France - 2001 ESS01Routing.pdf
Publications in 2000
532- "Analysis of fault-tolerant techniques in sensors for hard real-time applications (in Spanish)", Pablo Rogina, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 RoginaSpanish.pdf

533- "Application of the Cell-DEVS paradigm using N-CD++", Javier Ameghino, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 32nd SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada - 2000 SCSC00.pdf

534- "Construction of a compiler for the ATLAS modeling language", Mariana Lo Tãirtaro, Cãesar Torres, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 TSC.pdf

535- "Experimental results of Timed Cell-DEVS quantization", Gabriel A. Wainer, Bernard P. Zeigler, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Tucson, AZ. USA. - 2000 AISquant.pdf

536- "Improved Cellular Models with Parallel Cell-DEVS", Gabriel A. Wainer, Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International, Volume 17, Number 2, page 73--88 - June 2000 TransSCS00.pdf

537- "Including real-time scheduling techniques in the IGNATIUS SCADA toolkit", Pablo Esper, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 PEsperSpanish.pdf

538- "Modeling complex physical systems with Cell-DEVS (in Spanish)", Javier Ameghino, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 JAmeghinoSpanish.pdf

539- "Routing and congestion in ATLAS (in Spanish)", Andrea Dã­az, Verãnica Vazquez, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 2000 DiazVazquez.pdf

540- "Specifying truck movement in traffic models using Cell-DEVS", Alejandra Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 33rd IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington DC, USA - 2000 ASStruck.PDF

541- "Traffic control specifications using discrete event cellular models", Alejandra Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of AIS Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Planning, Tucson, AZ, USA - 2000 AIS-Traff.PDF

542- "Using the DEVS paradigm to implement a simulated processor", Sergio Daicz, Alejandro Troccoli, Gabriel A. Wainer, Sergio Zlotnik, Proceedings of 33rd IEEE/SCS Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington DC, USA - 2000 ASS-Alfa1.PDF
Publications in 1999
543- "Application of the Cell-DEVS formalism using the tool N-CD++ (in Spanish)", Daniel Rodrí­guez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XXV Latin-American Conference on Informatics., Asunción, Paraguay. - 1999

544- "Applying the binary timed Cell-DEVS paradigm for complex systems modeling and simulation (in Spanish)", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research., Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1999

545- "Avoiding serialization in timed Cell-DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), Chicago, U.S.A - 1999 SCSC99-SPECTS.pdf

546- "Cell-DEVS with explicit delays: Parallel simulation", Gabriel A. Wainer, Daniel Rodrí­guez, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of the 15th ISPE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Aguas de Lindoia, SP, Brazil. - 1999 CandF.pdf

547- "Definition of ATLAS, a specification language for urban traffic modeling (in Spanish)", Alejandra Davidson, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 1999 ADavisonSpanish.pdf

548- "Design and implementation of alternative real-time scheduling in an experimental operating system", Viviana Albarracin, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1999

549- "Design and implementation of alternative real-time scheduling in an experimental operating system", Maria Eugenia Nazar, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1999

550- "Implementing a flexible environment for parallel simulation (in Spanish)", Edgardo Szulsztein, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research. , Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 1999

551- "Implementing n-dimensional Cell-DEVS models", Daniel Rodrí­guez, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 1999 DanielRodriguezSpanish.pdf

552- "New Extensions to the CD++ tool", Daniel Rodrí­guez, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 31st SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Chicago, U.S.A - 1999 SCSC99-N-CD++.pdf

553- "New Real-Time Extensions to the MINIX operating system", Pablo Rogina, Gabriel A. Wainer, Technical Report 99-005. Computer Science Department. Universidad de Buenos Aires. - 1999 RT-MINIX.pdf

554- "Specifying constructions for urban traffic simulation (in Spanish). ", Alejandra Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of 28th Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research. , Buenos Aires, Argentina. - 1999

555- "Urban transit simulation with Cell-DEVS models", Alejandra Davidson, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XXV Latin-American Conference on Informatics. , Asunción, Paraguay. - 1999
Publications in 1998
556- "ALFA-0: a simulated computer as an educational tool for Computer Organization", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Applied Modeling and Simulation, Hawaii, USA - 1998 ALFA0.pdf

557- "CD++: a tool to develop binary Cell-DEVS models (in Spanish). ", Amir Barylko, Jorge Beyoglonian, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XXIV Latin-American Conference on Informatics. , Quito, Ecuador - 1998

558- "CD++: an environment for simulation of Cell-DEVS models (in Spanish)", Amir Barylko, Jorge Beyoglonian, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Computer Science Department - 1998 BarylkoBeyoglonianSpanish.pdf

559- "GAD: A General Application tool for DEVS modeling and simulation", Amir Barylko, Jorge Beyoglonian, Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of Applied Modeling and Simulation , Hawaii, USA - 1998
Publications in 1997
560- "An environment for simulation of cellular DEVS models", Gabriel A. Wainer, Claudia Frydman, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of the SCS European Simulation Multiconference, Istanbul, Turkey - 1997 TURQ.pdf

561- "Experiences with a tool to build supervisory applications", Silvia Benã­tez, Juan Jose Seoane, Gabriel A. Wainer, Roberto Bevilacqua, Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Computational Cyberneics and Simulation, IEEE International Conference, Volume 5, page 4236--4241, Orlando, FL, USA - 1997 SMC.pdf

562- "Experiencing with AgaPa-TR: a simulation tool for local real-time scheduling", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 4th IFAC/IFIP Workshop of Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control (AARTC), Lisbon, Portugal - 1997 AGING.pdf

563- "IGNATIUS: a tool to develop SCADA systems", Silvia Benã­tez, Juan Jose Seoane, Gabriel A. Wainer, Roberto Bevilacqua, Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing, Cancun, Mexico - 1997

564- "IGNATIUS: a tool to develop SCADA systems", Silvia Benã­tez, Juan Jose Seoane, Master thesis from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1997

565- "Improving the performance of local real-time scheduling.", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 4th IFAC/IFIP Workshop of Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control (AARTC), Lisbon, Portugal - 1997 AARTC97.pdf

566- "Real-Time Systems: concepts and applications (in Spanish)", Gabriel A. Wainer, Nueva Librería, Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1997
Publications in 1996
567- "CELL-DEVS models with transport and inertial delays", Gabriel A. Wainer, Norbert Giambiasi, Proceedings of the SCS European Simulation Symposium (ESS), Passau, Germany - 1996

568- "Using an extension of the Dining Philosophers problem to analyze problems in real-time systems (in Spanish)", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XXII Latin-American Conference on Informatics. Bogotá, Colombia - 1996
Publications in 1995
569- "Implementing Real-Time Scheduling in a Time-Sharing Operating System", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 3rd IFAC/IFIP Workshop of Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control (AARTC), Oostend, Belgium - 1995

570- "Implementing Real-Time services in MINIX", Gabriel A. Wainer, ACM Operating Systems Review, Volume 9, Number 3, page 75--84 - July 1995 pap_sig.pdf

571- "Some Results on Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time Scheduling", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XXI Latin-American Conference on Informatics, Canela, Brazil - 1995 PAP_CLEI.pdf
Publications in 1994
572- "Including hard real-time mechanisms in a time-sharing operating system (in Spanish)", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the II Chilean Congress of Computer Science. , Concepción, Chile. - 1994
Publications in 1993
573- "SSDT: a tool to build real-time supervisory systems", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the I Chilean Congress of Computer Science. , La Serena, Chile - 1993
Publications in 1992
574- "A survey of the results of using MINIX as a teaching tool in Operating Systems Courses", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the XII International Conference of the SCCC, Santiago, Chile. - 1992

575- "Using MINIX as a teaching tool in Operating Systems Courses", Gabriel A. Wainer, Magazine of the International Network of Human Resources CICC, Tokyo, Japan - 1992 AIS04-CellDEVS.pdf
Publications in 1991
576- "Using MINIX as a teaching tool in Operating Systems Courses (in Spanish)", Gabriel A. Wainer, Proceedings of the 21st Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research., Buenos Aires, Argentina - 1991

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